
Thursday, November 28, 2013

SKM sets up committees in East and South

GANGTOK, 27 Nov: Sikkim Krantikari Morcha [SKM] convened a meeting today at Rolep-Lamaten GPU of Gnathang-Machong constituency in East Sikkim. Party zonal president Chopel Bhutia, constituency president, Arun Subba, Roshan Lama, Narayan Dhakal, Mon Bdr. Gurung and other active SKM party workers were present at the meeting.
An SKM release informs that Chopel Bhutia in his address alleged widespread corruption and nepotism in Sikkim, a sentiment echoed by Arun Subba.
A ward level committee of upper Lamaten ward No.3 was also formed with Ganga Bdr. Gurung as the ward president and Hissey Sherpa as the general secretary, the release mentions. SKM’s Tashi Gurung said that a similar committee will also be formed at ward No. 2.
The release further adds that a constituency level committee of the party was also formed for Rangang-Yangang constituency in South Sikkim with Ganesh Shreshtha as president, Manoj Khanal as vice president and LR Gurung as general secretary. SKM has claimed that 75 SDF members joined the party today.

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