
Monday, November 25, 2013

SFA mourns Karma Gyaltsen’s passing away

GANGTOK, 24 Nov: Sikkim Football Association (SFA) held a condolence meeting at Football House, Gangtok, today to mourn the passing away of its joint secretary, Karma Gyaltsen. The late Mr. Gyaltsen was working with the Tourism Department in the capacity of Officer on Special Duty.
An SFA release mentions that the late Mr. Gyaltsen passed away at 3 a.m. on 23 November at a Nursing Home in Siliguri after a brief illness. His body was brought to Gangtok the same day.
He was an ardent football fan and used to take keen interest in the activities of the association. He was a person with full of ideas and always used to offer innovative ideas, the association states.
The release informs that the meeting chaired by SFA general secretary, Menla Ethenpa observed a two-minute silence as a mark of respect for the departed soul. He was 57 years old and leaves behind his wife and a daughter. His funeral is scheduled for Monday, 25 November.

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