
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

SDF refutes SKM allegations, plays back some

GANGTOK, 18 Nov: The ruling Sikkim Democratic Front [SDF] refuted all allegations leveled against it by the Sikkim Krantikari Morcha [SKM] over the recent past.
Addressing the press here at Gangtok this afternoon, the two sitting MPs from Sikkim PD Rai and Hissey Lachunga and former MP Bhim Dahal rubbished allegations of nepotism and distribution of defamatory booklets and CDs leveled by SKM against the ruling party. They advised the opposition to use the Right to Information Act and come up with stronger arguments instead of basing such allegations on hearsay.
SKM’s agenda has nothing to do with development or the people, they alleged.
Lok Sabha MP, Mr. PD Rai said, “In terms of development and especially in terms of distribution of development across the state, Sikkim is ahead of even Gujarat”. Sikkim has already received accolades from within and outside the country which is proof enough, he added.
“Under the leadership of Pawan Chamling, the SDF Government has initiated a number of mission mode programmes since it came to power in 1995 to change Sikkim in terms of development and up-gradation of lifestyle of the Sikkimese people,” added Mr. Dahal. The party will go to poll next year on the basis of developmental issues and agendas to take Sikkim to new heights, he added.
The developmental agendas include that of making Sikkim poverty free, achieving cent percent literacy and youth and job oriented growth.
“SDF party and its leader will celebrate silver jubilee of running a democratic and constitutional government,” claimed Mr. Dahal, further contending that 99 percent of the Sikkimese see and want Chamling as their leader.
On allegations contained in the CD containing of Gopal Gurung’s interview, Mr. Dahal turned the allegations around and said that the nature of the CD suggested that former SDF MLA PS Tamang [Golay] now with SKM enjoyed the endorsement of Gopal Gurung’s Mongol National Organisation. SKM is looking to upset sections of the Sikkimese society along caste and community lines and then prey on their fears, he further alleged.
“SKM party itself hatches conspiracies and then pretends to be victims. The most important thing is that the involvement of a foreign national in Indian politics itself is an anti-national activity and should be investigated by both state and national premier agencies”, said Mr. Dahal continuing with his comments on Gopal Gurung’s interview for SKM.
He further added that the SDF party strongly condemns allegations leveled against it.

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