
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

SDF dismisses Opposition allegations as opportunistic poll politicking

GANGTOK, 25 Nov: The Sikkim Democratic Front has countered allegations leveled against by its detractors in the opposition camp. Responding to recent SKM claims [without naming SKM though] of SDF having been “hollowed out”, the party, through a press release, has pointed out that such claims were representative of the desperation of Opposition opportunists who surface on when elections come calling.
The SDF release contends that certain sections were always critical of the ruling party and the State government despite having themselves failed politically to win favour of the people. This section, the release states, has always been obsessed with extracting benefits from the ruling party and the government, hence their leaving or opposition will not make any difference in the party.
The release also turns the argument on SKM by contending that the circulation of CDs purported to have the interview of Gopal Gurung of Mongol Nationalist Organisation, the opposition party was perpetuating his divisive politics even as on surface it was trying to blame the SDF.
The SDF Government, during its 19 years of governance, has provided social justice to all Sikkimese communities, the release highlights, to counter claims that SDF had divided the people.

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