
Friday, November 8, 2013

Hee-Gyathang declared ‘alcohol-free’ GPU

MANGAN, 07 Nov: Gram Sabha of Hee-Gyathang GPU was held on 30 October at Hee-Gyathang Senior Secondary School auditorium which was chaired by Zilla Adhakshya North, Anguli Lepcha. The sabha was presided over by Panchayat President Samroo Ugen Lepcha.
The main agenda of the Sabha was to declare the Hee-Gyathang GPU as an alcohol-free GPU and the panchayats issued a notification on the same.
Other agendas discussed and passed during the Sabha were issue of work permit to non-local labourers, collection of various taxes, inclusion of names of those left out during socio-economic census, 2010. Awarding of meritorious award to class VIII topper of the GPU, preservation of cane, to felicitate Dr. Sonam Rinchen, Scientific Officer DST Gangtok, and farewell to Mingma Tshering Lepcha, retired ACF.

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