
Saturday, November 16, 2013


We, Sikkim Student Forum, urge all teachers to do their best to provide good education in Sikkim keeping their personal interests aside. They should not put their interest first ignoring the future of students. They should do their best and in the course of doing so they will be recruited as permanent teachers. The Government is in search of good teachers which we believe. Good teachers produce good students and good students produce good society and so on and so forth. In that way, Sikkim will benefit. Sikkim Student Forum wants Sikkim to be a better place and in this, students have a great role to play because students are the politicians, decision makers, bureaucrats, policy makers of tomorrow.
In making the students the leaders of tomorrow teachers have huge role to play. It is teachers who shape the students, who motivate the students and share the credit of students' success to a large extent. Therefore we urge all the teachers sitting on a hunger strike to resume their classes and contribute the best they can and in due course of time sooner or later the government will recruit them for posts they are qualified for.
Rajiv Rai, Member, Sikkim Student Forum

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