
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

What if Politics became only about looks…

We have in the past discussed many opinionated issues be it about looking at the positive side of our life or about the sexual abuse of girls or the idea of secularism. This time, I think we owe it to ourselves to lighten up a bit and take up an humorous idea.
What if we were to imagine the political scenario of India if being elected or voted as a political leader was all about the way one looked, and what if voters started voting not by looking at the ability, contribution or efficiency of a leader but by judging the candidate on looks! Politics would have been rather interesting, at least very good looking. Don’t you think?
Then, Rahul Gandhi, the vice president of the Indian National Congress, would be the leading political leader whether he is any good as a politician or not. We say that Rahul Gandhi has definitely been able to make his mark as a handsome politician!! Even in his 40s he looks dashing, handsome and decent whether it is because of the way he has been brought up or because of his mother’s Italian roots. But he is certainly a well groomed man and definitely a person with style. He manages to look undoubtedly handsome even in the staid white ensemble (kurta). In Rahul’s case, he wears the kurta and doesn’t allow the kurta to wear him.
Even I had a glimpse of Mr. Gandhi when he came to Sikkim for a visit during the last elections. (He was wearing a Lepcha dress and was clearly rocking the Lepcha dress too). It was then that I realized who he was and knew that the fanfare was justified  A majority of women in the crowd were aged 20 to 40 or so. An aunt literally fainted near the Tourism office when Mr. Gandhi happened to stop his car and wave around. I was astonished and taken aback at that point of time by the way the women were acting. It to me seemed like as if the Beatles or the Directioners (One Direction) were there.  We know that Rahul Gandhi is “the one” among women and girls from all age groups.
Also he is popular among the youth because the kind of concept we have is that, as he is young compared to other politicians so he definitely understands us and will surely make an effort to empower the youth of the nation. But Congress basically, though being the oldest party to exist since independence and before too has not been able to make its mark as much as they could. If we are to compare the existence of the Indian National Congress in the country with that of the existence of the Sikkim Democratic Front in Sikkim we can clearly see that the SDF party led by our honorable Chief Minister Dr. Pawan Chamling who is also the party’s president has been able to make his mark beautifully.
So now, let us not drift away from the topic rather stick to it. It’s a good thing that in India particularly we are able to vote only after we reach the age of 18 because if we were allowed to vote earlier then majority of girls would vote for Rahul Gandhi definitely without us really understanding the game of politics. Not only girls but I still have my aunt who is in the age of 45. She’s still got a crush on Rahul Gandhi. When Rahul Gandhi is on TV she can even sacrifice her TV serials, not to hear Rahul speaking but rather to see him just being on screen. It is indeed fun thought if we are to think that politics was all about ones looks and ones attire. Would we then get presentable and rightly dressed national leaders? And if that was the case then Narendra  Modi would not have much charm Rahul would at least prove to be a strong contender!

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