
Saturday, October 26, 2013

Positions get more entrenched in Adhoc teachers vs HRDD confrontation Ad-hoc teachers to continue strike till demands are fulfilled

GANGTOK, 25 Oct: Members of All Ad-hoc Teachers of Sikkim [AATS] stated today that “until and unless” all the demands raised by them with the State government and the concerned department are fulfilled, the pen-down, chalk-down and indefinite hunger strike [underway in front of the District Administration Centre, East] will continue.
The strike entered its fourth day today and no representative from the state government or concerned department has approached the teachers on strike, the teachers on dharna said today.
Addressing a press conference today, president AATS Prakash Sharma stated that four members of the association - Prakash Sharma [member], Asish Lepcha [general secretary], Prakash Sharma [president] and Khemraj Thangshing [vice president] are sitting on an indefinite hunger strike until the demands placed before the state government for the welfare of the ad-hoc teachers are met.
“Today the Human Resource Development Department [HRDD] is stating that Teachers Eligibility Test [TET] is a must and the department cannot bypass the central act, but the act was implemented in the year 2009 as RTE then why did the department not conduct TET earlier? If the department feels it cannot bypass the central Act then they must create a provision of forming a separate State Board for Sikkim. As there are certain criteria in the RTE Act 2009 which the state can use for the welfare of the state education along with its teachers,” AATS members said.
“Apart from that Sikkim even holds a special provision under the Constitution of India under Article 371 F which we demand that the state government use for the upgradation of the state education sector”, they further stated.
They said that they would not accept any formal or verbal assurances and want the State Government to pass a resolution in the Assembly to deliver on the demands raised by the ad-hoc teachers.
Khem Raj Thangshing [vice president] mentioned that there are a few states which have not introduced any percentage bar or asked for B Ed or DIET from the aspiring candidates to sit for TET. The states that have already conducted TET have also allowed fresh graduates, post graduates to sit for TET with no additional clauses, and once the candidates passed their TET the state allowed the selected candidates to undergo technical education as required after appointment. The states that have bypassed the norms are Assam, Harayana and Bihar, he said.
“The HRDD introduced TET after the ad-hoc teachers placed their demands before them 19 times. We believe that the introduction of TET is to suppress our genuine welfare demands,” alleged Asish Lepcha [general secretary].
He further urged all political parties of the state not to mix politics with their ongoing protest. If the political parties are willing to support our cause then they can take a stand on their own respecting our issues and not as one of their agendas, he stated.
The general secretary on behalf of all the ad-hoc teachers appealed all not to tag the peaceful protest as being related to the opposition in any way and further called for support and cooperation in order to resolve the issue.
He further contended that the protest initiated by ad-hoc teachers has been supported by 95% of ad-hoc teachers from across the state especially from those teaching in rural schools.
With respect to the loss of teaching hours and problems being faced by the students, he said that the parents, guardians and the local public must approach the department and state government since it is because of the government that the students are facing such problems.
The dharna at DAC was attended by over 40 members of the AATS today.
“We will continue our protest until our demands are fulfilled and if the government fails to respond then we will have to consider sterner steps”, the members added.
HRDD warns protesting teachers of disciplinary action
GANGTOK, 25 Oct: The Human Resource Development Department [HRDD] has appealed to all the Ad-hoc teachers participating in what the Department sees as “unlawful activity” of going on strike to return to their respective schools and resume their duties immediately.
A press release issued by the Principal Director HRDD states that “in case of anyone not following the same the Department of HRD will initiate disciplinary action against such teachers as deemed fit”.
It further states that the on-going strike by Ad-hoc teachers of the state “is not only detrimental to the discipline and misconduct of Government employees (temporary) but is also directly affecting the education and future of the students whose exams are round the corner”.
The release explains further that the State Government has constituted a Committee consisting of senior officers of HRDD to look into the grievances of the Adhoc teachers. This Committee is chaired by the Special Secretary, HRDD, and expected to submit its report shortly, the release informs.
“The State Government is committed to provide quality education to every child of the State. To achieve that goal the Administrative Department needs to follow certain norms and guidelines as per the rules in effect under the Right to Education Act, 2009 and National Council of Teachers Education (NCTE) norms,” the release adds.

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