
Monday, October 7, 2013

It Was About Time

The rebel, now former, SDF MLA, PS Tamang’s official entry into the party which everyone has anyway always associated with him, has finally come through. Like his resignation from the ruling party, this has also come about after its share of fits and starts and speculations in the media. But now that even this formality has been completed, Mr. Tamang, as an SKM leader now, [although Mr. Tamang has announced that he won’t be party president] will hopefully work more publicly among the people. The party and its supporters will insist that SKM has consistently been working among the people and carrying out its outreach programmes, and they will not be wrong, but fact also remains that Mr. Tamang has not done so. His address at Paljor Stadium was his first speech as an SKM member. What is also true is that the SKM is attracting attention and support because it is identified with Mr. Tamang. Whether he takes charge as president or not is inconsequential because the party, as far as the people are concerned, is “Golay Party”. What is also a fact is that at present, SKM is seen by most as the only Opposition party of consequence. And this brings in the traditional problem of Opposition politics in Sikkim which continues to ebb and flow with distance or nearness to polls. SKM has not proven any different thus far, having timed Mr. Tamang’s official coming out too close to the elections. The party and Mr. Tamang thus owe their supporters and prospective sympathizers a more engaged consistency now; discussing more than what they see as ailing the present government and also projecting specifics of their plans for the State and its people.

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