
Saturday, October 5, 2013

ICAR organises training on Climate Resilient Agriculture

GANGTOK, 04 Oct: Training cum Awareness programme on Climate Resilient Agriculture was organised today at ICAR Sikkim Centre Tadong, Gangtok. A press release informs that the key objective of the training was to develop awareness among all the stakeholders including farmers regarding Climate Resilient Agriculture.
More than 60 participants including farmers, officials from State Agriculture Department, Scientists from ICRI, Spices Board, RCIBSD, NRC for Orchids and GBPIHED attended this training. The event was inaugurated by Director, H&CCDD, Khorlo Bhutia. In his inaugural address, he appreciated the efforts taken by the ICAR Sikkim Centre in organising such a programme to create awareness on climate change and its impact on agriculture. He also stressed the need for crop diversification and identification and development of crops adaptable to climate change such as short duration and shallow-rooted crops to cope with the problems arising due to climate change.
Presiding over the session, Joint Director, ICAR Sikkim Centre, Dr. RK Avasthe highlighted the impact of climate change on food production, pest and disease outbreak, impact on plantation crops such as large cardamom and Sikkim mandarin and their mitigation strategies.
Head, Water Management and PI, NICRA, ICAR, Umiam, Meghalaya, Dr. DJ Rajkhowa spoke about the changes in climate variability in the north eastern region which has a fragile ecosystem, poor farmers and small land holdings. He explained about the importance of organising this training programme to sensitize the farmers of Sikkim and other stakeholders.
PS and Head, Animal Reproduction, ICAR, Umiam, Meghalaya, Dr. Suresh Kumar shared his views on the impact of climate change on animal production, health and incorporation of molecular and biotechnological tools to mitigate the loss caused due to climate change. Earlier, welcoming the participants, Sr. Scientist, Entomology, ICAR Sikkim Centre, Dr. H Kalita explained in brief about the importance of this training programme. At the end, Sr. Scientist, Dr. Ashish Yadav proposed a vote of thanks and wished for the successful completion of the programme.

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