
Thursday, October 10, 2013

Coronary angiography performed on heart patient at CRH

GANGTOK, 09 Oct: A coronary angiography was successfully performed on a 71-year-old male patient at the Super Specialty wing of Central Referral Hospital (CRH) here on Tuesday.
A press release from the hospital informs that this is the first such surgery performed in the state. The patient, PP Bhandari from Marchak in East Sikkim, had been undergoing treatment at CRH for various other ailments, along with complaints of mild angina (chest pain).
A coronary angiography was conducted at the Cath Lab of CRH by Consultant Cardiologist, Dr. Nagraja Moorthy, during which it was revealed that the patient was suffering from 50-60 percent blockage in the right coronary artery.
Coronary angiography is an important tool used to diagnose a number of heart conditions and to help guide treatment. It is used to detect where the heart’s blood supply is blocked after a heart attack and to help diagnose angina where pain in the chest is caused by a restricted blood supply to the heart. Successful diagnosis after an angiography helps to plan interventional or surgical procedures such as a coronary angioplasty, where narrowed or blocked blood vessels are widened, or a coronary artery bypass surgery, the release mentions.
The patient will be put on medicines to control the angina. He has thanked the CRH doctors for conducting this important test to determine his heart conditions, says the release.
With the setting up of a Cath Lab and Cardiothoracic facilities at CRH, patients with coronary artery diseases and other cardio (heart) related diseases will not have to travel outside of Sikkim for diagnosis and treatment.

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