
Monday, October 28, 2013

Bhandari confident that Govt will change in 2014

GANGTOK, 27 Oct: Sikkim Sangram Parishad president, Nar Bahadur Bhandari, today shared details on some issues that the party will focus on in the run-up to the general elections next year and also stated that an alliance to form the next government was positively on the cards. He was addressing a press conference here at Primula Cottage, Church Road this morning.
“Sikkim will definitely have a new government after the 2014 general elections and we are keeping all options open to make this happen. With hardly a year left for the elections, we are positive that a new government will come into power as the SDF party was falling out from the trust and faith of the people,” Mr. Bhandari said.
He stressed that the new government will have an enormous task at hand since it would be taking over from a government, which Mr. Bhandari alleged, has imposed a huge debt burden and has “crippled the state by repealing different Acts and old laws” and was in the process transforming Sikkim’s special provisions into a “Tiger without Teeth”.
The SSP president was accompanied by working president Rajendra Bhandari, general secretary KT Bhutia and vice presidents Kamal Rai and Rinzing Bhutia.
While contending that the SDF government had sidelined demands raised with the Centre by hi SSP government in the past, he said that it was the inability of the SDF to maintain pressure on the demands and its “compromise” that had resulted in the present situation. He also said here that the SDF instead of fighting for the protection of the old laws had worked out means of compromising these special provisions.
“Development is something that we should enjoy but now the present situation is that when you see development, it is development that has come at the cost of the people being put under this enormous financial burden, this demerit of the SDF cannot be ignored,” he stated.
The SSP press conference also condemned what it sees as the double standards of the ruling party in how it has targeted women leaders of the opposition with tasteless and offensive allegations on social media.

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