
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Sikkim sets up exclusive cell to monitor social media content

GANGTOK, 23 Sept [IPR]: The Sikkim government has set up an exclusive cell under DIG (R) in the police headquarters to engage with the public on social media on a regular basis and counter any hate propaganda and rumours so as to maintain complete peace in the state said Urban Development Minister, DB Thapa while speaking during the National Integration Council meeting in Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi today.
The Minister stated that the state government has designated nodal officers in each department for monitoring the content of social networking sites to take immediate action against any false propaganda. The state government has provided 30% reservation for women in civil police and women police officers have been posted in all police stations to ensure safety and security of the women in the state , he added.
A cell for crime against women has been set up in the state C I D wing and police officers have been sensitized in dealing with victims of rape, molestation and domestic violence and any crime relating to women is attended very promptly by the police force in the state, said Mr Thapa.
The state government has also set up a National Integration Committees in the state and district level under the chairmanship of the Chief Secretary and respective District Collectors for maintenance of communal harmony and promotion of national integration in the state, he said further adding that standing operating procedures have been issued to deal with escalated situation/riots etc in case of any such situation. He added that state government has provided reservation for all sections of population in recruitment to government jobs including the police forces.
The government has started "Jansamvaad Karyakaram" for preparation of police strategy and establishing common front against crime, he informed. The state police has started a police peer programme under which Sikkim police personnel led by IG police are visiting various schools and colleges in different parts of the state to encourage students to maintain healthy life style and stay away from drugs, alcohol and other addictions and prepare them to be role models and agents of change for a better society.
He further stated that crime against SCs and STs are lowest in the state in the country and added that only two such cases have been registered in the state in the last five years; one in 2008 and the other in 2010. Sikkim has emerged as an excellent model of communal harmony and peace in the entire country and different communities with different cultures, religions and customs have constituted a homogenous blend  by intermingling freely, the Minister added.

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