
Monday, September 16, 2013

Looking at the Cup as Half Full or Half Empty- YESHI LHAMU

Life is bound to bring for us troubles and hurdles, but it depends on us whether we choose to look at the cup as half empty or half full. What it means is that everyone has tension and problems. No matter how rich a person is or how apparently content, problems and tensions are bound to be present. But what matters is the way we take it. All of us need to learn to take things in a positive way no matter how hard our life seems to be and we should always learn to look at the positive side of it. Staying happy will be very hard otherwise. If we decide to look at the negative side of our life, staying happy and dedicated will be obviously hard.
All that matters is our attitude, our attitude is what makes the difference of whether we allow our life to control us or we control our life instead. We should never try to find a reason to be happy because if we need a reason to be happy then that happiness will not last long because once the reason is snatched from us, we will not be able to stay happy. So as to avoid that, we should “just” be happy without any reason.
When we come across a problem, we should learn to face it with a positive attitude try and overcome it with full courage and learn certain things from it, so as to not repeat it in the future.
Bitter experiences will surely make us stronger in the journey of life. We cannot expect ourselves to be a Cinderella all the time. Fairy tales do not last long. Life is in fact incomplete without bitter experiences. Problems exist in everybody’s life. Some overcome it with a smile while some cry their way through.
Youngsters, particularly in Sikkim, have started displaying cowardice where just because life has got a problem, suicide is being taken as a medium of escape. Suicide rate of teenagers in Sikkim has become inexcusably high. Sad but true! We have failed to realize and be strong; we have failed to face these problems with a positive attitude. And have failed to look at the cup in my words as half full.
For example, if we do not get the desired marks in our exam, some of us are so disappointed that we go into depression.
This is totally wrong.
Doing that is a bane not only for us but equally for our parents, friends and loved ones. If we think that we have spoiled our parents money, then, by attempting suicide we are wasting even more money. Because our parents have already invested in us by sending us to school and providing us with all the luxuries of life. So, just because we wasted one year we cannot take the huge step of suicide. Instead we should learn from it, work systematically and work even harder.
We need to bear in our mind that “Our Attitude Can Make Our Problem Turn Into A Blessing”.
[The writer is a class XII student in a Gangtok school]

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