
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Election Deptt holds two-day training for officials of South and West

JORETHANG, 27 Sept [IPR]: The state government has started full on preparation for the General Election 2014 in the state. The Election Departments in the districts have also initiated the preparations. A two-day State Level Master Trainers Training Program by the State Election Department began yesterday at SIRD, Karfectar, for the officials from different departments of South and West Districts associated with the General Elections 2014.
Various topics and issues related to the process and execution of the election were discussed in the training. This training is carried out to prepare resourceful manpower with adequate and accurate knowledge of the election procedure for the proper and smooth conduct of General Election 2014.
Welcoming the officials, Additional CEO, MN Dhakal referred to this training as a cascading training in which the master trainers will have to impart training to the officers at the sub-division level and assembly constituencies involved in the election procedure. He informed that the resource persons who are the master trainers have been trained under India International Institute of Democracy and Election Management, New Delhi.
The officials were enlightened on important and necessary aspects of the election procedure by Special Secretary Home Department, KK Kafley. Topics like Role of State Level Master Trainers (SLMTs)/Assembly Level Master, Trainers (ALMTs), Model Code of Conduct and Vulnerability Mapping were discussed at length during the workshop. Mr Kafley detailed the dos and donts of the election to the officials. He asked the participants to share their knowledge with other members on election duty and emphasized that all the officials involved in the election duty have to be familiar with the election hand book to carry out their allotted duties in an efficient and hassle-free manner.
Later, Deputy Director Election Department, DK Chettri underlined the matters related to the polling day. He explained about the different procedures related to the Polling Day and highlighted on the role of Sector Officer, Presiding Officer and Polling Officer during the election. He also informed them in brief the role of District Collector who will be designated as the District Election Officer (DEO) during the election period. Information on Postal Ballot, Poll Day Arrangements, Dispatch and Receipt of Polling Parties and Counting of Votes were discussed by him.
Deputy Secretary Election Department Namchi, Bishal Mukhia elucidated the members on District Election Planning.
The second day of the training on 27 September will have ADM West, Bhim Thatal speaking on Law and Order and Paid News. Joint Director IT Department, T Samdup will speak on the topics of Election Expenditure Monitoring and Role of Observer and Micro Observer. Special Secretary, KK Kafley will again enlighten the members about Nomination and Qualifications and Disqualifications during the election procedure. Lastly the house will have Deputy CEO Election, Kishore Pradhan talking about Scrutiny and Withdrawal and Allotment of Symbols.
At the end of the workshop, the members will be given a self-evaluation exercise to evaluate on their training. They were provided with a soft copy from the election department with detailed information of the guidelines and other important materials essential for them to be acquainted with the whole procedure of election. Doubts and queries placed on the house by the officials were cleared by the resource persons. Total 100 participants attended the workshop today, 50 each from South & West Districts.

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