
Thursday, September 19, 2013

DISASTER RISK REDUCTION DAY Working towards a disaster resilient Sikkim

GANGTOK, 18 Sept [IPR]: Sikkim Disaster Management Authority, Land Revenue & Disaster Management Department organized a day-long programme here at MG Marg, today to mark the devastating earthquake that struck Sikkim on 18 September 2011.
The first part of the programme had Gangtok MLA Dorjee Namgyal Bhutia as chief guest. Flower petals were offered by the dignitaries and public as a mark of tribute to those who lost their lives in the earthquake.
The event was marked by various activities show-casing disaster preparedness, mitigation measures and future strategies to make Sikkim a disaster-resilient State. The activities included photo exhibitions and display of rescue equipments which was open for public observation throughout the day.
A street play on disaster preparedness was showcased at the venue.
Sikkim Disaster Response Force (SDRF) conducted a mock rescue drill for general awareness among the public. A Disaster Response Team constituted under the East District Collectorate also conducted a mock drill for disaster preparedness. An awareness session was conducted by the Fire and Emergency Services.
It may be mentioned here that the year from 18 September 2012 to 18 September 2013 was declared as ‘Disaster Risk Reduction Year’ to mark the passing of one year since the disaster, and the date 18th September as “Disaster Risk Reduction Day”.
The second part of the programme had the presence of Gangtok Mayor, KN Topgay, as the chief guest.
The activities included photo exhibition, display of equipments and film screening. The Organization of Musicians and Artists of Sikkim (OMAS) performed hymns as a tribute to those who lost their lives and property.
Earlier, addressing the gathering, Relief Commissioner –cum-Secretary, LR&DMD, KS Topgay gave a brief outline of the activities carried out by the Land Revenue and Disaster Management Department at the State, District and Ward level.
He stated that the onus for disaster mitigation and preparedness lies not only on the Department but on the civil society, Non Governmental Organizations, and the public at large. He also informed about various capacity building programmes being carried out to equip the State for any such disaster in future.
The day ended with lighting of candles to pray for the souls of the deceased, and in memory of the day and to commit for better preparedness for any kind of disaster.
The Land Revenue and Disaster Management Department was supported in this effort by the Event Management Group, Ecostream, the Association of NGOs of Sikkim, and Helping Hands.

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