
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Destitute home in need of more space, more permanent address REBYNA RANA

GANGTOK, 23 Sept: Mayalmu Sangh, a home for the mentally challenged located in Dara Gaon, Tadong has been facing problems regarding accommodation for a long time now. Due to certain reasons, the home which was earlier located at Metro Point, Tadong has been shifted to Dara Gaon, near Post Office at Tadong.
This destitute home was established in 2008, starting with three inmates.
Speaking to media persons today, care taker of the home, Bindya Gurung informed that a proposal regarding a permanent solution to their accommodation problem had been placed with the state government some time back. The proposal had also been sanctioned by the government but due to some reason it has not materialized thus far, she said.
The home was to be shifted to Lingdum which had been approved by the Urban Development and Housing Department. However, this has not happened and the home had to be shifted to Dara Gaon instead, she informs.
“We need a larger space and this rented accommodation is proving too costly for us,” said Ms. Gurung.  The home is paying a rent of Rs 10,000 per month at present. She further informed that the home runs on donations. While the monthly expenditure of the home is around Rs 50,000, it receives only around Rs 20-21,000 in a month from donations, she added.
“Thukchuk Lachungpa donates every month to the home with his blessings, and sometimes we go door-to- door for donations”, she said.  The Social Welfare department also provides Rs 1.5 lakh to the home every year, she added.
“We receive calls from the police and well-wishers to take in people but we feel sad to turn them away because of the lack of space in the home”, she expressed.
The home, which has four rooms, accommodates 24 inmates at present.

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