
Monday, September 23, 2013

Chungthang thanks those who came to its aid during terrible Septembers

CHUNGTHANG, 22 Sept: A thanksgiving function was organized by the public and panchayats of Chungthang sub-division on Saturday, 21 September, here at Chungthang Gram Prashasan Kendra to recognize assistance received by the people here during and in the aftermath of the 18 September, 2011 earthquake and the 21 September, 2012 flash-flood. The ceremony began with the offering of prayers in the memory of lives lost in the twin disasters a year apart.
The function had area MLA Tshering Wangdi Lepcha as chief guest accompanied by North Upadhakshya, NT Lepcha, former Minister Tasa Tengay Lepcha, SP (North) RN Yadav, ADM (North) Raj Yadav, SDM-Chungthang ST Tashi, Gram Vikash Adhikari Karma Thendup Denzongpa, zilla member, ChungChung Lepcha, COs from the Army and GREF, Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Zilla Panchayat members, Panchayat President, Vice President, Secretary and members of Chungthang Gram Panchayat Unit, Pipons of Lachen and Lachung, Panchayats, government officers and staff, senior citizen and general public.
The Chungthang Panchayat President, Lendup Lepcha, on behalf of the people and panchayats expressed gratitude to the State and Central Governments, armed and paramilitary forces, Non-Governmental Organizations, relief agencies, various private-sector organizations including power projects, press and media [both State and National] and volunteers from within the State and beyond for their “swift, sustained and selfless” assistance to the affected persons which provided much hope and reassurance in the aftermath of the tragedies.
A letter of appreciation was handed over to all felicitated today.
Addressing the function, the chief guest appreciated the positive outlook and hard-working nature of the Chungthang residents, government officials and private sector employees which went a long way in ensuring swift recovery from the two calamities. He added that important lessons have been learned and better safety and precautionary measure undertaken.
The function was also addressed by North ADM, SDM Chungthang and Mukesh Kumar, Commandant 86 RCC.
Also on the day, a newly constructed REDRH home and two CMRHM homes at Chungthang were inaugurated by the MLA.

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