
Monday, May 20, 2013

SICB begins two more demand-driven capacity building courses

GANGTOK, 19 May: The State Institute of Capacity Building has started two more Livelihood Schools, these offering courses for Caregivers and Housekeeping at Karfectar in South Sikkim and Pelling in West Sikkim respectively.
The 3-month long course for Caregivers is being conducted at the SICB campus at Karfectar and trainees will be placed in Singapore upon successful completion of the course, an official press release informs. The travel documents like passports and immigration papers are being processed to ensure that the trainees have their document ready by the time they complete their course.
The SICB has engaged experts to train candidates in care of senior citizens, soft skills, inter-personal relations and proficiency in English language. A total of 23 candidates from different parts of Sikkim are undergoing this course.
Similarly, a six month course for housekeeping skills has also been started at Pelling, West Sikkim recently to cater to the job market readily available for this trade. The south district Zilla Panchayat and NGO from Yangang helped find suitable candidates from Yangang and Rabong area where the demand of such trainees is already felt. The candidates, after the training are expected to be placed in Rabong and Sikkim University in Yangang as informed by Zilla Panchayat and other institutions. Nonetheless, the SICB will also support the trainees for their placements in fine Hotels and other organizations for their placement, the release adds.

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