
Friday, May 17, 2013

“Political discourse should prioritise People’s issues”

My fellow Sikkimese citizens,
On the auspicious occasion of 38th State Day, I offer my hearty greetings and congratulate my fellow citizens of Sikkim for attaining commendable progress under the democratic dispensation as provided under the Constitution. The collective decision to embrace democratic form of governance was largely due to yawning socio-economic divide in the people resulting in mass clamour for democracy. Now that we are under the democratic system, we must see that freedom and equality in its multi-dimensional forms must also generate an equal and even outcome for all our people across the social spectrum irrespective of their caste, creed or sex. Here lies our challenge as the democratic citizens of this great Nation.
Sikkim, after its formal integration with the largest democratic Nation, has moved ahead by leaps and bound in all spheres of development. Fully utilizing our democratic privilege, we have designed our development strategy based on natural resources and human resource. This has been necessary for long-term progress and development as that responsibility to design our own future lies with ourselves.
At this juncture, it may be emphasized that government formed and conducted immediately after the appointed day till the early 1990s was almost an extension of the feudal governance treating people as subservient to the wishes of the people in power. However, on formation of the Sikkim Democratic Front government on December 12, 1994, we took extra care to impress upon our people to view themselves as supreme in democracy and offered myself as the ‘first servant’ of the people. Today, while we observe our State Day, I am very pleased to know that our people, the fountainhead of all power in a democracy, have vindicated the efficacy of the decision so taken in 1975 by assuming a more responsible role to develop, sustain and promote democratic system and values in the State.
Fellow citizens, Sikkim has made tremendous progress on all fronts. Under education and health sectors, we have been a model State investing as high as 20 percent budget annually on education alone. Through introduction of large number of incentives, from free education to ambitious scholarship programs, we are preparing our younger generation to become global citizens, competing at the national and international level. We have programs and schemes that fit into all seasons and address the aspiration of all sections of population with different aptitude level and intelligence. For example, under the Capacity Building program, we have set up a total of 41 Livelihood Schools across the State to train our youths, the school drop outs in basic trade like carpentry, masonry and the likes. One of the most futuristic programs has been training of our young graduates in IAS and allied courses etc. in reputed institutes in the Country. I congratulate the three proud daughters of Sikkim who made their mark in the national level by clearing the IAS examination 2013 and got selected this year.
There is definite improvement in life expectancy level by over 2 years among the Sikkimese. Through the CATCH program, we have revolutionalized the concept of health care in Sikkim by offering preventive care through early diagnostics and care. By constructing the 575-bedded multi-specialty Hospital in Gangtok, we will fully modernize health infrastructure in Sikkim.
In the area of rural housing, we have remained a pioneer in the Country. In fact, we provide free modern dwelling house with all basic amenities costing over Rs. 5 lakhs to all the needy people. This we have accomplished by duly dovetailing all central flagship programs like Indira Awas Yojana with state program to provide concrete dwelling house to our people. In fact, I am happy to recall the observation of Planning Commission in New Delhi proposing similar replication and integration to be achieved by all other States in the Country to follow Sikkim’s model. Sikkim perhaps is the only State in the entire Country to provide for free distribution of rice to the BPL family and subsidised rice @ Rs. 1 per kg to the marginally poor family. Sikkim has already established its flower power to mesmerize the visiting tourists and also harness this natural endowment to decorate homes across the Country and across continents. Marketing of flower as commercial products has been successfully tapped in the State and large numbers of flower growers in the State are earning good revenue to improve their living condition.
You are aware that Sikkim has been the only State in India to propose for organic farming with larger aim to transform Sikkim into a total organic State. We are in an advanced stage of organic certification of our cultivable land. The decision to go for organic farming was taken after long deliberation. We have limited land for cultivation so cannot possibly augment volume after certain limitation. Therefore, the idea has been to add value to our products nationally and internationally. Our farming community would also learn new skills, new technique to enhance productivity. And this will provide them with new profession as well as impact the longevity of the people positively.
People from far and near have appreciated our initiative and State of Kerala deputes officials and growers on a regular basis to Sikkim to learn our organic model. Authorities in Argentina have evinced keen interest to work jointly for mutual benefit as large number of farming community are also adopting organic farming in that Country. I have a firm conviction that the whole of India would take lesson from our experience to adopt this farming method so that we can get a niche in the world market on organic products.
The State Government has successfully introduced the concept of eco-friendly tourism with promotion of all arms of tourism like home stay, village tourism, culture tourism, adventure tourism and concept of ban bas, akanta vas in Sikkim. On a very conservative estimate, more than five thousand Sikkimese youths are gainfully engaged directly in running homestays in Sikkim which are proving to be great success. Introducing unique tourism concept, we have developed the Char Dham complex, 150 feet tall statue of Guru Padmasambhava, 137.50 feet tall statue of Lord Buddha and the 150 feet tall statue of Chenregiz being constructed at Pelling. This has not only provided spiritual sanctuary to the world full of worldly sorrows and grief, but also brought about cultural integration of the State with the Indian mainstream.
The investment scenario in Sikkim has been very encouraging. However, stringent conditions have been laid down to ensure that environmental sanctity of Sikkim remain undisturbed with sustainability as the basic mantra. In a special gesture, we plant 10 more trees against cutting down of one for bona fide use or for institutional expansion which are deemed unavoidable. Therefore, in the area of nature conservation, we have been regularly recognized regionally, nationally and internationally.
As a Special Category State, we enjoy certain exception in terms of fiscal devolution. However, we must continue to devise our own strategies to expand internal revenue generation base. I am very pleased to share with my fellow Sikkimese that the overall economic growth with regard to the State of Sikkim recorded the highest in the Country at 22.8 percent during the 11th Plan period. This was owing to our committed efforts, steady policy interventions and socio-political commitment forthcoming from the Sikkim Democratic Front government over the last 19 years. And in real terms, commissioning of 510 MW Teesta-IV and the 60 MW Rangit-II Hydro-Electric Projects and setting up industrial units including pharma units, breweries, hotels etc. brightened up our economic prospect. Development of the 99 MW Chuzachen Hydro Electric Power Project is all complete and ready to be commissioned later this year, which is expected to add another over Rs. 50 crores annually into our kitty. Nine mega hydel projects are under various stages of construction.
In the absence of airways and rail head which are yet to be completed, connectivity problem generally posses hardship in Sikkim. In spite of hilly and inhospitable landscape, the Sikkim Democratic Front government added an additional 1900 kms new roads (in terms of length) compared to 1994. The State of Sikkim was pleased to receive Bharat Nirman Award received from the Central Government for this achievement. Construction of new Greenfield Airport by Airport Authority of India shall be completed for operation by March 2014. Rail link upto bordering Rangpo town has been sanctioned and work started.
Respected fellow Sikkimese
Sikkim surrounded by three international borders and troublesome neighbouring district is always exposed to nefarious activities that may spill over into our peaceful State. However, against all odds, we have consistently maintained peace and tranquillity in the border state offering a rare example in the Country. The fact that Sikkim is free from any unrest should be fully appreciated by our fellow Indians.
As democratic citizens living in the largest democratic Nation, we need to be wholly responsible to the task of state. A task also to reinforce the power of the people and in fact, make our people aware of their crucial role and responsibility in the running of the government that they chose and designing the future that lay ahead.
Nationally and at the State level, elections is due in April-May next years. This is constitutional requirement and this will surely happen. But there has been deep speculation, hectic parleys and the hushed voice and the careless whisper floating in the air.
I for one, have no time for foolhardy statement and action because I have to invest my time and energy to serve my people more and in a more comprehensive manner and I will forever stand in favour of the people who are at a disadvantaged position, to secure for them greater peace, progress and prosperity.
Respected fellow Sikkimese
Based on the collective decision in the past, we are duty bound to serve the larger cause of the people and constitutionally enjoined upon to safeguard interest of the people, the freedom and liberty so essential for human growth. As a democratic nation, we must continue to struggle to ensure that issues concerning the interest and well being of the people find prominence in our political discourse and call upon all my fellow compatriots belonging to different political parties to have supreme faith in the Constitution to conduct ourselves in a more responsible and ideal manner.
On this auspicious occasion of 38th State Day, I once again congratulate all my fellow citizens and wish them all the best in days to come.
Thank you
Jai Hind

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