
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Joint inspection pins blame on Sneha Kinetic

MANGAN, 05 May: DC [North], CP Dhakal, visited the flash-flood hit Dikchu PHC yesterday and assured that if the incident was proven to have been caused by negligence of Dikchu HEP developer Sneha Kinetic, then strict legal action will be initiated against them. The flash flood was triggered when muck from a Dikchu HEP surge shaft tunnel being excavated below Tumin [directly above Dikchu Naya Bazaar] slid off and poured into the Kaluk jhora which broke its banks on Thursday night deposited slush into the PHC compound. Work on the surge shaft excavation has been suspended for now and the project developer directed by the district authorities to depute men and machinery to clear out the muck from the PHC compound.
The Dikchu PHC has lost its power and drinking water to the flood and even the generator has been damaged.
The DC said that this was a matter of serious concern. The DC further assured that necessary priority will be given to the safety of the PHC and the market area.
It is further learned that the project developer had been directed by the Mangan BDO three months back to undertake necessary protection works before beginning excavation of the surge shaft tunnel. BDO Chiran Rizal, when contacted, informed that his office had received no response to its notice from the project developer. The district authorities, it is informed is processing follow-up action on Sneha Kinetic’s non-compliance of the notice issued by the BDO office.
Meanwhile, following a joint inspection of the spot below Tanek, SDM Mangan, PW Lepcha, confirmed that the flash-flood had been triggered due to excavation work on an approach road to the under construction surge shaft tunnel of the 96 MW Dikchu Hydroelectric Project.

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