
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Namkha announces plans to quit SDF in support of Golay

GANGTOK, 01 Feb: The sequence of resignations from the ruling Sikkim Democratic Front in the run-up to the 04 February launch of dissident MLA PS Tamang’s political party continued today with former Minister Namkha Gyaltsen announcing that he too would be tendering his resignation from the SDF.
A three time Sangha MLA, Mr. Gyaltsen joined the SDF in February 2004. He was the Sikkim Pradesh Congress Committee president at the time. He was first elected as a Sangha MLA on a Sikkim Sangram Parishad ticket and served as a Minister for 6 months in 1994 during the Congress government of Sanchaman Limboo.
Addressing a press conference today, Mr Gyaltsen alleged that SDF and its government had become a ‘one man show’ and delivered an ‘autocratic government’, which was why he decided to leave the party. He said that there was a ‘need for change’ in Sikkim now and believes that the medium for this change will come on 04 February in the form of new party of the PS Tamang [Golay].
Also today, four more active members of the ruling party submitted their resignations at the party headquarters. They are: Babita Chettri, Junu Chettri, Linus Lepcha and Jyoti Gurung.
Earlier last week, former OBC Board chairperson, Bharati Sharma, who was a CEC member of the ruling party, also quit the SDF. Addressing a press conference today, she said that the Chief Minister, who is also the SDF party president has been working against the principles and policies of the party.
Ms Sharma resigned from the party on 21 January and today announced support for the new party of the dissident MLA.
She accused the CM of playing divide and rule politics and made specific reference to the Chettri, Bahun and Newar communities still awaiting inclusion in the Central OBC list. The three communities were included as OBC in the State in the year 2003.
“When I was OBC chairperson I asked the CM to speak to the centre to include these communities in the central list but was ignored,” she alleged. Ms Sharma further alleged that the Sanyasi community which was included in the central OBC list in 1999 were shortchanged when the State government superseded this notification by including Sanyasi in the state OBC list along with Chettri, Bahun and Newar in 2003.
On women’s empowerment, she alleged that the ruling party turned to it women cadre only to defend the CM and pointed out that Sikkim has received only seven women legislators through the SDF tenure in power and not sent even one to the Parliament.

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