
Wednesday, January 16, 2013


It is a matter of delight that the concerned departments considered it fit to remodel the Water Garden at Lower Martam complete with a state-of-the-art swimming pool so badly needed and got it inaugurated. But somehow the name of late Naren Rai, the gifted landscape architect cum forester, Sikkim has ever known and trained in the Royal Botanical Garden, Edinburgh and who conceptualized the idea and got it established way back in 1988, somehow, did not figure anywhere. It was his dream project and he had many other excellent ideas to upgrade the Garden all related to water, plants and fish life. This somehow did not materialize due to paucity of funds and importantly due to his untimely demise. Some five years back, if I am correct, the Cabinet had decided to name the Garden after him. It might be in the fitness of things and an honour to do so to one of the great Sikkimese for the posterity to remember and importantly to make the historical record correct.
KC Pradhan [recvd on email]

1 comment:

  1. Instant coffee, instant noodles and fast food ko jamana no one bothers to research on the work put in by the officers and bureaucrats of yore and they worked in times when materials and man power was not so abundantly available. Hope fully the concerned deptt will make the needed rectification!!


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