
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

State Child Rights Commission urges police to expedite justice in Pakyong rape case

GANGTOK, 07 Jan: The Sikkim State Commission for Protection of Child Rights [SCPCR] has expressed that it is deeply moved and saddened by the two tragic incidents that occurred in Pakyong recently -the gang rape of a minor and the death of a woman and her newborn in an unassisted delivery.
A press release issued by the Commission informs that it has urged the police authority of Pakyong Sub-division to expedite the investigation process to nab the culprit in the case of the death of the 25-year-old woman and her new born child.
The Chairperson, Manita Pradhan, alongwith members Yangchen Ladingpa, Nim Choki Bhutia and Law Officer Yousa Lachenpa visited Namphey basti and met the bereaved family of the 25-year-old woman and also met the SDPO Pakyong, Ajay Rai and his sub-ordinates at the Pakyong Police Station on 05 January.
The Commission held a thorough discussion with the police officials regarding the case and urged them not to keep a single stone unturned to nab the culprit, the release mentions. Chairperson Ms Pradhan expressed that the Commission has full faith and confidence in the functioning of the Sikkim Police and that they will nab the culprit soon. She urged the police to intimate the SCPCR as soon as any FIR related to crimes against women and children is filed in any police station so that the Commission can act accordingly.
In the rape case, the release mentions that the Commission has met the victim and her mother and assured them that the police is doing everything possible to deliver justice to the victim and her family. The Chairperson also suggested that the investigating officers could take the assistance of Service Providers appointed by the Social Welfare Department under the Juvenile Justice Act and Domestic Violence Act while dealing with cases relating to crimes against women and children in their jurisdiction.
The Chairperson further expressed the need for greater coordination among the criminal justice system, civil society members and voluntary organisations in working towards protecting the rights of the women and children in the state. she also informed that the Commission shall make an appeal in writing to the Chief Justice of Sikkim High Court requesting the Judiciary to set up one fast track court to accelerate trials relating to crime against women and children in the state.
Ms Pradhan further  commented that the recent law of Protection of Children against Sexual Offences, Act 2012 serves as an additional protective measure for children and emphasized that proper implementation of these provisions would provide for stringent punishment to the perpetrators.
She stressed that the SDF government under Chief Minister Pawan Chamling was completely committed towards empowerment, well-being, safety and security of women and children in particular and all citizens in general. The government is very alert in the investigation process of such incidents so the victims shall certainly be delivered due justice and all the culprits will be punished stringently, the release adds.

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