
Monday, December 10, 2012

Forest fire sparked by jet crash continues, keeps Leek villagers worried

A NOW! file-foto of 01 December of the smoke billowing from the Jaguar Jet crash above Leek in North Sikkim. The crash has sparked a forest fire which continues to simmer on the slopes above Leek and has also damaged some cardamom plantations in the area.

MANGAN, 07 Dec: Residents of Leek village in Upper Dzongu are a worried lot - the fire that erupted in the forest above their village after an Indian Air Force Jet crashed there last week is still active and spreading. The fire has already damaged cardamom fields of some villagers, it is learnt.
Cardamom fields in the Chobum area belonging to Kolukchung Lepcha and Bahadur Lepcha have been damaged by the fire. Partial damage is also reported from the cardamom fields of Dichen Lepcha, Lha Tshering Lepcha and Sonam Gyatso Lepcha.
The villagers are worried that the fire could pose a threat to their village if it is allowed to continue unabated.  It is not possible to douse the fire as there are no water sources in the affected forest area and it is not possible to carry water from this village which is almost 6 kms away, informed ex-panchayat of Leek village, Nimtso Lepcha while speaking to NOW!.
From Passingdang village, it takes a two-hour trek to reach Leek, which comprises of around 20 houses under Safo-Passingdang GPU in Upper Dzongu.

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