
Thursday, November 8, 2012

SDF thanks public for reinstating faith in the party

GANGTOK, 07 Nov: “On behalf of the Sikkim Democratic Front [SDF] party president and the Chief Minister Pawan Chamling, we would like to thank the people of Sikkim, the party supporters and the people who worked at the Ward level for making the SDF party victorious in the recently concluded Panchayat elections,” conveyed SDF party spokesperson Bhim Dahal, while addressing a press conference here at the SDF Bhawan, yesterday.
The victory for the party is special as it was given by the people who have again shown their faith in the SDF party by voting for the party’s candidates, he added.
He informed that data has been collected and proper compilation is going on, but more or less 96 per cent of voting in the elections has been in favour of the party and he added that there has also been an improvement in the percentage as compared to the 2007 elections.
“In some Wards, we had more than one party candidate wanting to contest the elections, so we left the elections open for contest, so that the best and strongest candidate could win”, he stated.
He further informed that the SDF party has a research and analysis wing and now as the elections are over this wing would be looking into all the 927 Wards and the Zillas to find out how the party has performed in different areas and where it needs to work harder.
“Overall the party and the candidates have performed well, but there are some places where we need to see what more can be done to strengthen the party”, added Mr Dahal.
On the independent candidates who have won in the elections, he stated that a committee would be formed to look into who were the ‘genuine’ independent candidates and those who have been fronted by the opposition. Based on this committee’s recommendation the decision to induct the independent candidates into the party would be taken.
Speaking further on dissident Burtuk MLA, PS Tamang [Golay], he said that as he did not have a party there was no way of identifying his candidates.
“Moreover, as they got back door entry to contest in the elections, his candidates have not fared well. They should have opened a party before fighting the elections, if they had done so then it would have been interesting”, he stated. Their supposed strong holds such as Soreong and Malbasey where they had even held meetings have been swept clean by the SDF party candidates, he added.
He added that the SDF party would sweep all the 32 seats in the Assembly polls and also the Lok Sabha seat in the coming general elections.

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