
Friday, November 9, 2012

SDF resolves to take disciplinary action against attackers

GANGTOK, 08 Nov: When confronted with confirmation that the accused in the attack on the NOW! office were led by its own ward panchayat candidate, the Sikkim Democratic Front, apart from condemning the incident in strong words, has also announced that the party’s disciplinary action committee has resolved to take strict against the accused.
In a press release issued today, the party has conveyed that such elements which were undermining the ideology and principles of the party and bringing the party to disrepute with their actions will be strictly dealt with.
Lok Sabha MP, PD Rai, while speaking to NOW! over the phone from Delhi also registered his condemnation of the incident and reiterated that “as a party, we neither encourage nor condone such acts”. The attack was “not acceptable”, he said, while adding that since the culprits have been identified and booked, the law will be allowed to take its course and justice ensured.
This sentiment was also echoed by the SDF press release which clarifies further that this was an attack carried out individuals, who even if they belonged to the party, did not have the party’s sanction for the deed and appeals that the deeds of the individuals not be blamed on the party.

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