
Thursday, November 1, 2012


CM urges youth to resolve to steer clear of hatred and violence

GANGTOK, 31 Oct: The state observed the 28th Rastriya Sankalpa Diwas here at Chintan Bhawan today with the Chief Minister declaring that a statue of Indira Gandhi would be erected at a “commanding area” in the near future. The day is observed to mark the death anniversary of former Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi, and seeks to inspire citizens to rededicate themselves to the country.
Chief Minister Pawan Chamling was present as the chief guest for the function which also had former Chief Ministers, BB Gooroong and Sanchaman Limboo along with Lok Sabha MP, PD Rai and Chief Secretary, Karma Gyatso on the dais. Present in the audience were heads of departments, senior government officials, teachers and students.
In his address, the CM delved on the stature of the former PM and elaborated by stating that Indira Gandhi was truly one of the biggest woman leaders of Indian politics. While pointing out the main reason behind the Prime Minister’s tragic and untimely death, he stated that it was terrorism and extremism that played a major factor with its main focus to disrupt the growing national integration process.
While flagging terrorism as the next big plague to hit the globe, he underlined the need to understand the reasons that lead to such a situation and stressed on the need for the younger generation, specially the students, to understand the causes and effects so that they can guard against them.
“We only see terrorism on television and the effects it has had even on developed countries such as the United States, but now it is time for our younger generation to understand why this is happening and also think about the measures that could lead to a cleaner society. And what better example for adopting measures like those in their own state of Sikkim which is truly the only exemplary state with so many international borders and yet untouched by extremism,” the Chief Minister stated.
While urging the youth to avoid circumstances that have led to such situations in different countries including ours with major terrorist outfits still majorly in existence in the North-East of India, he stated, “Hatred is considered one of the major factors that lead to such a situation which is why our system of education should be focused on creating truthful and sincere human beings rather than being focused at attaining degrees.”
The Chief Minister, while lauding the efforts of the Sikkimese people and the state government in maintaining peace and security, also explained the present scenario as ‘proper and sustainable’ development.
“If peace and security are not factors that influence development then what is? This is what the youth and the younger generation should understand. Without peace and security, Sikkim would not have been what it is today and would not be the most progressive and developing state in the country in all sectors,” he told the gathering while further urging them to refrain from activities that facilitate different forms of extremism which included political extremism.
“It is time for the youth to compare and consider what makes Sikkim a terrorism free state and in the process also learn to appreciate and cherish this accomplishment for which we have won accolades from all over the world,” he told the gathering.
The Chief Minister further urged all to develop a sense of ownership and belonging towards the state and contribute positively to the vision of the state government. He added here that the existing ‘philosophy’ of Sikkim should be sustained under all circumstances to further strengthen the process of national integration.
“It is a collective responsibility and a commitment for all of us to avoid all forms of extremism and maintain the image of Sikkim as the land of peace and tranquility since this is the only way we can pave a more secure and positive future for the coming generations,” he explained.  
Earlier, the programme started with lighting of butter lamps and offering of scarves and garlands on the portrait of Indira Gandhi followed by prayers by priests of different religious faiths.
The students of Enchey Senior Sec School and Tashi Namgyal Sr Sec School also presented beautiful patriotic songs which was followed by the reading of excerpts from the speeches of late Indira Gandhi by Yangchuk Donka, PGT, TNSSS.

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