
Friday, October 19, 2012

MP urges people to consider why political violence is manifesting only now in Sikkim

GANGTOK, 18 Oct: Lok Sabha MP, PD Rai, in a statement issued yesterday as the spokesperson of the Sikkim Democratic Front, invited people to consider why political violence was manifesting with such unprecedented fury in Sikkim only now even though there have been several opposition parties here all along. His obvious reference is to the 14 Oct incident at Namthang in South Sikkim when a clash between SDF and its dissident MLA PS Tamang supporters left many injured, vehicles damaged, shops vandalised and several supporters from both sides booked for rioting and under provisions of the Arms Act. They are all out on bail at present but the episode is being kept alive with continuing allegations, claims and counter allegations by both sides.
The SDF spokesperson highlights that Sikkim has never witnessed such violence during a politically charged atmosphere and stresses that the situation is especially worrisome because even panchayat elections are eliciting such violence from the new entrant to the political mix in the State.
Reiterating the party’s contention that the Namthang violence was instigated and unleashed by the “Golay camp”, Mr. Rai holds up the episode as a “watershed and a new normal for the political violence that was unleashed in an otherwise quiet town of Namthang”.
“The only thing that has changed is that a marginalised political actor has surfaced with his brand of politics which only he knows. That we call as politics of violence. That is his trademark and signature,” Mr. Rai offers by way explanation of why such political violence is visiting Sikkim only now even though three panchayat elections, all on party basis, have been held peacefully in the past.
Responding to statements issued by former SDF MLA [since expelled] Bhojraj Rai on the Namthang incident, his aggressive rhetoric and reference to having “broken the barricade”, the SDF spokesperson states that such comments were a tacit admission of the said leader’s supporters having resorted to “single-minded” violence at Namthang on Sunday.
The MP has also taken exception to mention of the party vice-president, former Minister GM Gurung, as an absconder. Mr. Gurung, it may be recalled, has been named as an accused by the Golay supporters in their FIR on the Namthang incident.
“He [Mr. GM Gurung], was himself a victim and we condemn the call for his arrest as also calling him an absconder. An absconder will not come to the Party office and give a press conference,” Mr. Rai points out in the press statement.
Comments attributed to SPCC president, Nar Bahadur Bhandari, in media reports which have him speculating that the SDF Government will be brought down by 2013, Mr. Rai reminds him of his previous predictions, dating as far back as 12 December 1994 when he announced that he would bring down the SDF government – first, in three months, then six, then a year, then five; “Now it is already 18 years”. “He ought to be sympathising with the victims rather than making another wild statement,” the statement concludes.

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