
Friday, September 21, 2012

Lack of cooperation from departments delays completion of state employee census

GANGTOK, 20 Sept: The state employee census, begun by the Directorate of Economics, Statistics, Monitoring and Evaluation, almost a year ago is nowhere near completion. In fact it is unlikely that the exercise will see a closure this year at all.
As per the directions of the government, the report on the employee census on the total number of government employees in the state, both regular and otherwise, was to have been submitted to the government by the end of August 2012.
It is informed that the one and only reason behind the DESME inability to finalize the census report is the disinterested attitude of the departments. Some of the departments, it is informed, keep dilly dallying and do not seem bothered despite several orders issued by the state government soliciting their cooperation in this regard.
Recently, the Finance Department is said to have issued an order that details be collated from the Pay and Accounts Division on the number of employees on Muster Roll, which is where the major challenge to this census operation lies. However even this order does not seem to have found due compliance.
The various departments, especially the line departments which have a large number of employees on MR and Work Charged, have reportedly not been extending the kind of cooperation necessary for the closure of this exercise. Government orders in this regard are not being adhered to, it is informed. The exercise, which was supposed to be completed in August is likely to extend over another few months, or even more.

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