
Monday, September 10, 2012

Fire guts house at Pathuk

DIKCHU, 09 Sept: A fire sparked by an electrical short circuit gutted Puspa Lall Niroula’s two-storied ekra house here at Niroula Gaon at Pathuk ward under Simick-Lingzey GPU in East Sikkim today. Unfortunately, when the fire broke out, Sita Niroula, wife of Pushpa Lall Niroula, died of a heart attack.
The incident took place at around 7.30 this morning when Mr. Niroula had gone to collect fodder and his wife was working at the field just some distance away from their house. Their 14-year-old son, who was at home at the time, was the first to notice the fire and started screaming for help.
By the time Sita Niroula reached home the fire had spread to the entire house and the villagers arrived for help only after they heard her screams. However, they could not bring the fire under control as it was too late by then.
Meanwhile, Sita Niroula had fallen unconscious and she was taken to the District Hospital Singtam by the villagers and relatives where she was declared brought dead.
It is informed that there was cash Rs. 6000, three tolas of gold, documents, utensils, clothes, ornaments and furniture inside the house. The family has been temporarily housed at a relative’s house.
The area MLA, Ugen T Gyatso Bhutia also met the bereaved family today and extended an immediate relief of Rs. 10,000 and other necessary requirements.  He also directed the panchayat members to immediately provide a house for the bereaved family under the CMRHM scheme.

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