
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

SAP personnel assaulted while foiling theft attempt at hydel project site

GANGTOK, 17 Aug: A case of theft and assault has been registered against two persons and some others at the Gyalshing Police Station on 16 August.
On 16 August a written complaint was received from Constable Umesh Subba of Sikkim Armed Police stating that on 15 August at around 4 PM, he along with his colleague CT Sangay Topden Bhutia, also of SAP, deployed Bhaluthang at the hydel project being developed by Shiga Power Energy Pvt Ltd, were patrolling Adit I and Adit II at lower Bhaluthang when one Bharna Singh Subba of lower Bhaluthang along with 2 or 3 others [who could not be identified by the complainant] were seen stealing iron rods belonging to Shiga company.
Seeing this, the complainant along with his colleague tried to stop the pilferage when one Prem Singh Subba from the group stopped them by throwing stones and later by forcefully holding the complainant’s uniform collar and intimidating by using foul language.
The complainant further states that he reported the matter to his guard commander.  However, on 16 August at around 8 AM, Prem Singh Subba along with a group of about 10/15 local people again came to the Adit I site and threatened the complainant.
The Gyalshing police have arrested Prem Singh Subba [48], resident of Bhaluthang, Gyalshing, West Sikkim and efforts are on to arrest the other accused, Bharna Singh Subba. A case under section 379/336/341/353/506 [punishment for theft, act endangering life or personal safety of others, punishment for wrongful restraint, assault or criminal force to deter public servant from discharge of his duty and punishment for criminal intimidation] of the Indian Penal Code has been registered at the Gyalshing Police Station and is under investigation.

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