
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Cabinet meets and sanctions

GANGTOK, 28 Aug [IPR]: The State Cabinet meeting was held today at the Cabinet hall of Samman Bhawan, Gangtok, under the chairmanship of Chief Minister Pawan Chamling.
The Cabinet passed the proposals pertaining to various departments of the state government.
LABOUR DEPARTMENT: The proposal seeking approval and en bloc sanction of Rs 1,080 lakh and Rs. 500 lakh to be transferred to SIDICO on quarterly basis to clear the committed liabilities with Manipal Institutes and Hotel Management, Sajong in respect of previously sponsored students. The proposal for seeking confirmation of the approval and sanction of Rs 450 lakh only to be transferred to the SICB, Karfectar.
HEALTH CARE, HUMAN SERVICES & FW DEPARTMENT: The proposal seeking approval and sanction of Rs. 9,59,89,292 towards the annual procurement of medicines and consumables for the financial year 2012-13.
DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM AND CIVIL AVIATION: The proposal for according en bloc sanction of Rs 1,11,19,105 for payment of land compensation for land proposed to be acquired  for construction of Tourism infrastructure for Ekantabas and Agyatabas in Sumick and Tumin blocks, East Sikkim.
DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADM. REFORMS, TRAINING AND PUBLIC GRIEVANCES: The proposal seeking confirmation of the approval for enhancement of the post of Secretary from 07 to 12 and Special Secretary from 20 to 25 and identification of cadre posts for State Civil Services under various departments under Government of Sikkim as well as various Public Undertakings/organizations / offices.
HOME DEPARTMENT: The proposal seeking approval and sanction of Rs 1.58 crore for payment of land compensation for land acquired for construction of 2nd and 3rd IRBn headquarter at Ben (Simchuthang Mangalay Dumra)block, South Sikkim.
WATER SECURITY AND PHE DEPARTMENT: The proposal seeking administrative approval of Rs 530 lakh and financial sanction of Rs 15.58 lakh for the work of Augmentation of Water Supply Scheme for Dikling and surrounding areas in East Sikkim.
The proposal seeking approval and sanction of Rs 3,011.13 lakh for the work of Post Earthquake reconstruction of damaged infrastructure on Water Supply and Sewerage System in Urban Towns of Sikkim under Prime Minister’s Relief Special Package.
The proposal seeking approval and sanction of Rs 50 lakh for the work of Augmentation of Water Supply Scheme to Saramsa Garden East Sikkim.
ROADS AND BRIDGES DEPARTMENT: The proposal seeking approval to award the work to M/s BSR Constructions Pvt. Limited, Hyderabad, India for an amount of Rs 69.68 crore for the work improvement, upgradation and reconstruction and development of Road sections (i) Melli (Manpur) – Nayabazar  (Section km 17.10) to Nayabazar (SK01) (ii) SK02 – Nayabazar to Namchi under ADB funded project.
The proposal seeking approval to take up drainage and protective works and premix carpeting along Reshi Mangalbaria road in West Sikkim to the tune of Rs 982.10 lakh only.
The proposal seeking administrative approval and financial sanction of Rs 32.69 crore for upgradation, widening and improvement of Budang-Chumbong-Chakhung-Soreong road in West Sikkim (22.36km) under ISC 100% CSS.
The proposal seeking administrative approval and financial sanction of Rs 25.90 crore for upgradation, widening and carpeting of Namchi Sikip Wok road in South Sikkim (22.80km) under ISC 100% CSS.
The proposal seeking administrative approval and financial sanction of Rs 29.52 crore for upgradation of single lane to intermediate lane from Ramam Bridge to Sombaria under Inter State Connectivity in West Sikkim (29 km).
LAND REVENUE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT: The proposal seeking approval to create one post of Assistant Information Technology Specialist, four post of Assistant Disaster management Specialist cum training Officer, one post of Assistant Urban Planner and three post of Technical Assistant under Sikkim State Disaster management Authority (SSDMA).
RURAL MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT: The proposal seeking approval to place the draft bill for amendment of Sikkim Panchayat Act, 1993 to reflect the nature and extent of reservation of different segment of the Tribal Community namely, Bhutia, Lepcha, Limboo and Tamang under the ambit of reservation of Schedule Tribe Community in the next sitting of the Assembly.

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