
Sunday, July 1, 2012

Rockfall damages Bhaley Khola steel bridge on Yangang-Makha road

GANGTOK, 29 June [IPR]: On the night of 20 June, a massive boulder slip occurred along Yangang-Makha road at 4th mile NH 31 A. The Bhaley Khola steel bridge located below was completely damaged by the boulder slip.
The left portion of the bridge has been dislodged from the abutment. The impact on the bridge has been so huge that it twisted the whole structure of the bridge; traffic on both sides had come to a standstill. Keeping in view the urgency of the matter, Addl. Chief Engineer(S/W) accompanied by Superintendent Engineer (South) and other field engineers visited the site the very next day i.e. on 21 June. The matter was also reported to the Chief Secretary on 23 June.
 The road is a major district road that connects far flung areas right from Lingipayong, Makha, Lingmoo, Tokdey, Mangzing to Yangang where the Block Administrative Centre is located. No immediate temporary diversion of traffic can be done as the river flows in a deep gorge and the opposite banks consist of very steep rocky cliff.
Construction of temporary foot suspension has already been started and will be completed within the next fifteen days. Bridge materials for vehicular traffic have already been requisitioned and will be erected soon after its arrival at the site. The estimated time for completion of this bridge is around four months.
Therefore, the general public is requested to bear with the department till such time.

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