
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Not such a good carrier

GANGTOK, 03 July: A white Utility vehicle [SK-01D-0240] truck belonging to the Goodwill Company met with an accident while on its way to Children’s Park Taxi Stand this morning.
The vehicle was carrying a load of mineral water bottles for delivery at the time.
Shortly after the vehicle began its climb up from the MG Marg bifurcation, it lost traction near the private car park and started skidding backwards. The driver lost control and the vehicle veered off the road and crashed into the resting bench next to the District Control Room at MG Marg opposite the Tourism Office. The accident took place at around 7:15 AM. Fortunately, with schools on summer break and the incident taking place early in the day, this resting shed was unoccupied at the time and there were no pedestrians nearby either.
One of the workers of the company informed that the reason for the accident was due to brake failure, but as per eye witness accounts the vehicle was over loaded and could not pull the load up the road. Only the driver was inside the vehicle and escaped with minor injuries, it is learnt.
A case of rash and negilgent driving has been registered against the driver at the Sadar Police Station and the case is under investigation.

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