
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Japanese ‘Pariwar’ extends financial support to Padma Odzer Choeling Secondary School

GANGTOK, 02 July: Two delegates of ‘Pariwar’, a Japan-based NGO that supports underprivileged children in India, donated U$ 1,000 and a consignment of toys to Padma Odzer Choeling Secondary School [POCSS], Chongey, Gangtok on 02 July.
Speaking to the media, Padmashree Keepu T Lepcha, who heads the Human Development Foundation of Sikkim which runs the school, inform that a total of 356 students study at the school t Chongey, most of whom are boarders. Seventy-five of the students are from Lepcha families.
She went on to add that the results posted by the school in class X CBSE board exams, since inception to date, has been 100% and that the highest marks scored this year was 92%, slightly high than the 90% that last year’s topper scored.
Ms. Lepcha, affectionately called “Nekung” by those who know her, went on to mention that the trust was formed in the year 1997 and the school has been in operation since 2003.
With respect to support for the school, she informed that Children of Sikkim Foundation [COSF] a registered non-government organisation with members from Switzerland supports the school financially along with grants provided by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs and local well wishers.
She added that the organisation also holds meditation camps in the area and currently one-fourth of the teachers at the school are undergoing such a camp. Similar camps are also held for the students between 08 to 16 years of age. She believes that if teachers undergo such camps then they can pass on positive ideas to the students whereas for students the meditation reinforces moral values.
General Secretary ‘Pariwar’, Yukie Hiramathu, in her address informed that the organisation was formed by Japanese women who have been engaged in voluntary service in a school for street children in New Delhi since 1994.
“There is a big gap between the rich and the poor in India and the association cannot ignore the fact that many poor children are begging on the streets while there is also discrimination of poor women”, she said.
Ms. Hiramathu mentioned that the association till date has supported training institutes for poor women, schools for children and provided facilities for homeless widows and many more but this time under its services for under privileged children the support to the Chongey school is being initiated by the association.
The cheque was handed over by Ms. Hiramathu to Ms. Lepcha during a function held at the school auditorium during which the students also presented a short cultural programme for the guests.
The programme was also attended by Misuzu Hasegawa of Pariwar along with members of Universal Peace Foundation, Sikkim Chapter and by more than 80 children of the school.

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