
Sunday, June 3, 2012

Teachers seek written assurance on Transfer Policy to end transfer deadlock

GANGTOK, 01 June: The two teacher associations Sikkim Teachers’ Association [STA] and Sikkim United Teachers’ Welfare Association [SUTWA] after meeting with the Secretary Human Resource Development (HRD), C S Rao today told reporters here at Gangtok that they still stand by their demand to formulate a clear-cut transfer policy for teachers before leaving for their respective places of posting.
They said that only after the department assures them in writing that it will formulate a transfer policy and get approval from the government within a stipulated time period will the 146 transferred Primary Regular Teachers (PRTs) report to their respective places of posting. STA president, Goverdhan Gurung stressed that the department has to give the assurance in writing.
Out of the 146 excess PRTs from East Sikkim transferred to schools with shortage in West, South and North districts, only 26 have reported to their new postings.
Mr. Gurung said that the teaching faculty here has realized that their colleagues in the other three districts are battling with acute pressure given the shortage of teachers, but the association and transferred teachers [whom he refers to as “aggrieved”] want a rational policy on transfers, not just for now but for the future a well.
Mr Gurung stressed that teachers are ready to cooperate with the department and work towards imparting quality education in the state but a uniform policy applicable to all without any bias is required.
Speaking on assurances from the state government or from the Chief Minister, Mr Gurung informed that they have been trying to get an appointment with the Chief Minister, but it has not materialized thus far. He further expressed hope that if they do get an appointment, they will definitely convince the CM.
General secretary, STA, Chewang Bhutia said that in 2009, the department had assured the teachers to formulate a rational transfer policy applicable to all, adding that the department had formulated five criteria for transfers which had been submitted to the Cabinet. However, the Cabinet had sent it back to the department asking for further elaboration but till date the department has failed to resubmit the proposal to adopt a rational and fair transfer policy in Sikkim.
A section of the transferred teachers are also seeking legal counsel on the matter.
On the other hand, the department has made it clear that the transferred teachers should join their postings as early as possible to avoid disciplinary action.
The teachers associations have called a meeting of all transferred teachers at Tathangchen on Sunday to deliberate on the future course of action regarding the transfer policy.

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