
Sunday, June 17, 2012

Sessions Judge seeks voluntary retirement, High Court clears file same day

GANGTOK, 15 June: District and Sessions Court Judge [East & North], Tashi Wangdi, today submitted a letter to the Chief Justice, High Court of Sikkim, Justice Permod Kohli seeking ‘voluntary retirement’ from the service. Highly placed sources in the High Court further confirmed that upon receiving the application, the full court of the High Court of Chief Justice Kohli and Justice Sonam P Wangdi ‘accepted’ his application and ‘relieved’ him from his post from today itself.
It may be recalled that the High Court Justices had carried out a surprise inspection of the lower courts here at Sichey yesterday and seized several court files pertaining to court cases after finding gross irregularities in them.
Judge Tashi Wangdi, sources inform, had attained superannuation in December 2011 and was currently on a six-month extension [Jan to June 2012].

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