
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A month past deadline, half the vehicles in Sikkim affixed with HSRPs

GANGTOK, 08 June: It has been a month and ten days since the extended deadline for fixing all vehicles in the State with High Security Registration Plates [HSRP] passed on 06 June. However, out of the 42,823 vehicles [government and private] registered in Sikkim, only 27,631 vehicles have been fitted with High Security Registration Plates [HSRP]. This was confirmed by N Sharma [MVI, Tech, HQ and spokesperson of the MV Division of Transport Department], while speaking to NOW! today.
The Motor Vehicle Division [MVD] had started the drive of fitting High Security Registration Plates [HSRP] in Sikkim in the year 2008, he added.
In the East District a total of 19,457 vehicles have been fitted with HSRPs, in the West District 2,272, in the North 1,866 and in the South 4,036 vehicles in all have affixed HSRPs, he informed and added that the target of the department was 100%, but there were some vehicles plying without HSRPs. Officials are collecting fines on the spot and defaulters who have still not affixed their vehicles with HSRPs are being booked, he stated.
It may be mentioned here that the Supreme Court of India had on 08 December, 2011 issued an order to the State Government to ensure the entire implementation of the HSRP scheme by 31 March, 2012 with a clear instruction that no further time would be granted. Following this, the State Transport Department has also issued a notice directing all vehicles in the State to affix HSRPs within the stipulated time of 31 March, 2012, failing which vehicles without HSRPs would not be allowed to ply within the State.
The Government of India had granted another month as extension to ensure the entire implementation of the HSRP scheme in Sikkim, so the deadline was shifted to 30 April, 2012, from 31 March, 2012.
Meanwhile, the Secretary, State Transport Authority, TT Sherpa informed that almost all vehicles registered and plying in the State had been covered with High Security Registration Plates [HSRP], but there are many vehilces which are off the roads, where people are just coming to the department to update their documents and do not own vehicles as such, while many others [private and taxis] are plying in other states but their documents and number plates have been registered in Sikkim, some of these he said are still to affix the HSRPs.
The department has urged people to fit their vehicles with HSRP as soon as possible to avoid compounding and fines by the department and has also warned against the use of ‘made’ or duplicate HSRP number plates as this is illegal and would be a contempt of court and if any one is found doing so by the department then they will be charged and fined, it was further informed.

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