
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Expelled SDF dissidents condemn CM’s recent statement

GANGTOK, 24 June: The expelled group of ruling Sikkim Democratic Front has condemned and criticized the statement of the Chief Minister who is also the party president that a ‘vested interest’ group was defaming the party. 
Former SDF Minister, Tseten Lepcha, while speaking to reporters here today, demanded that the SDF party president resign from the party’s top post and allow one-man, one-post principle to operate in the party if he was true supporter of democratic practices. He further announced that their group is committed to overthrow the SDF Government in the next Assembly elections.
“Nowadays, SDF has become Pawan Chamling’s private company, indulging purely in business instead of governing the state of Sikkim,” alleged Pawan Gurung.
Another expelled SDF member, Nima Theeng, in turn added that circumstances and time had forced SDF’s Upper Burtuk MLA, Prem Singh Tamang, and his group to act against the ‘authoritarian rule’ of the Chief Minister.
When asked about the Upper Burtuk MLA’s reported decision to attend the Budget Session after having stayed away for more than two and a half years, Mr. Gurung said, “Let’s see what step he will take in the floor of the Assembly. It will speak volumes about what is in store for Sikkimese people, especially the next generation”.

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