
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Mercury rises as the rains say no

GANGTOK, 21 May: Over the past week Gangtokians have only seen a few sudden spurts of rain while the heat has only been worsening the long waits in traffic jams which have now become routine. As temperatures in Tadong soared to 30 degree Celsius on 19 May, the hottest day this month so far according to the Met Department, Gangtok recorded 25.5 degree Celsius on the same day.
However, the sweltering heat may just be due to the lack of moisture in the absence of any rainfall for the past week or so. The hottest day recorded over Gangtok last year was 25.6 degree Celsius while 25.9 degree Celsius recorded on 13 May 2002 was the hottest in the last ten years.
The Meteorologist In-charge at Gangtok Meteorological Centre, GN Raha, while speaking to NOW!, mentioned that the normal maximum temperature for the month of May has been recorded as 21 to 22 degree Celsius, while 13 to 14 degree Celsius is the normal minimum temperature in this month. However, for a few days, both minimum and maximum temperatures are up by around 2 degrees above normal.
Mr Raha explains that since the last seven days there has been no rainfall, which has been causing an increase in temperature and discomfort levels. He further added that with some rainfall the temperatures would go down automatically.
He mentioned that the pre-monsoon season [March to May] sees substantial thunderstorm activities mostly due to the three factors of insulation, moisture incursion and triggering forces like disturbances, cyclonic circulation, turf and others. He further explains that for the last one week there have been no moisture incursions and no strong triggering force to cause rainfall.
For moisture incursion from Bay of Bengal, Mr Raha informed troughs are needed but at present there was no trough present. He further informed that the Met Centre is expecting light rainfall on Monday night and has forecasted rainfall in the next 48 hours, which would bring down temperatures providing some relief to people here.
The hottest day ever recorded over Gangtok in month of May by the Gangtok Met Centre was 28 degree Celsius on 30 May in 1964.

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