
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The dilemma at Sikkim University

Day in and day out we read of the happenings at Sikkim University located in my neighbourhood. The mudslinging which has been going on for some years now, makes me wonder where this much hyped institution is heading. On the one hand we read of its prestigious leaps as one of the most sought after educational centers of learning, and on the other we learn of all its feeder colleges languishing for want of better standard as demanded by the University. To be told at the recent interaction between SU and the Heads of Colleges that the colleges, some of which like Government College in Tadong have been in existence for decades, are still not permanently affiliated and thus denied all the benefits accruing from the UGC [which they were incidentally availing when tagged to NBU] is quite a revelation. The forthrightness with which Director of Higher Education of Sikkim HRDD spoke at the recent Meet when she pointed out that “Sikkim University is meant for the people of Sikkim and Sikkimese must be prioritized”, speaks volumes.
We know all is not well in our colleges in the educational front, but once the University is in place, it is expected that they are guided, goaded and assisted to come up to the standard as called for in the quickest possible time – in fact, eve time-bound manner; a process for which both, the State Government and the University work in tandem. The University came into existence in Sikkim after a lot of effort and perseverance of the present Government in the sanguine hope that the children of the State will have a quality institution of learning right at their doorsteps. The central Government, in its wisdom, thought it to be a legitimate demand and the SU came into being. The bon-hommie soon came to an end for reasons best known to them. But at what cost and who is at the receiving end - our own children on whom the future of Sikkim depends. This lackadaisical attitude, both on the part of the State Government and the University authorities, is not in good taste to say the least, and people of the State as a whole should not be allowed to be meek spectators of this drama. The discord must end.
Who could be the most appropriate mediator in the present embargo - perhaps, in our humble opinion,  only the Head of the State as the representative of the Centre in the State as it is a Central University of which the President of India is the Visitor and the Governor of the State as the Chief Rector. We plead, let some sense prevail and let our children get a just deal that is their due.
We know it will be a matter of pride to have an institution of excellence in Sikkim for which SU is rightly striving for. But it is equally important to see that there is a sound foundation and the feeder-cum-catchment colleges are brought up to the mark in the shortest possible time in a collaborative effort. The importance of this synchronization should not be lost sight of lest we miss the wood for the trees.


  1. whoever wrote this piece does not seem to have had the benefit of a university education.
    "one of the most sought after educational centers of learning"
    well he should take a correspondence course from one such 'educational centers of learning' and learn to string his sentences so that they begin to make some sense....

    1. This response is simply like shooting the messenger ! At least he has been brave enough to point out that there is a problem between the Govt and SU authorities and that the Chief Rector should step in!!!
      What is projected on the website and other publications that one can lay one's hand on amply shows SU as "one of the most sought after educational centers of learning"- so how can u blame a person who is just gazing into what's happening there and getting all his info from the press notes written by the boss himself which glorifies him and the minuscule work at SU...time spent in organising various seminars and lectures where the cronies come and pat him on his back!!!

  2. A central university is not a magic wand....where with a swish the tardy state of affairs get washed out or wiped away. ....the University comes into the life of a student much later in life when she/he has crossed the primary, secondary and then does one come into contact with a Univ system when he enters college. To blame all on the Univ is also not in good taste...both sides are equally to blame. The highest body of a university the Executive Committee has eminent members of the academia as also the Secretary HRDD of any given state. So its the same at SU too. If the Govt was so bothered from the beginning then the powers to be shuld have made it mandatory for the Secretary to attend every meeting called and pushed its agenda and issues forwards. Isn't it a delayed reaction now to have the present Director come to the table and say Sikkim Univ is for the sikkimese. They should have insisted that it was acted upon from the first meeting of the EC at SU. Why were the govt reps so tardy in their attendance and why were they just spectators at these meets instead of being vociferous about the issues they had.

  3. I think two different issues are being confused here,

    one is the ad hocism of the University, the lack of checks and balances to the office of the Vice Chancellor and his disregard for rules- what this has resulted in is the authoritarian culture, favoritism and as the students have creatively called MP Lama Private Limited.

    Issue number two, is the demand of the Sikkim govt/Sikkimese to be given preference in the University, as students, in teaching jobs or non teaching jobs etc.

    On the face of it, it is a fair demand and some accommodation is possible. It is possible because while denying Sikkim's demands, the VC has taken recourse to it being a 'central' university. However, if you check the rolls of the Non teaching staff, you will realise, it should be called 'Darjeeling University'.

    So MPL Private Ltd is already providing some sort of reservation to people from Darjeeling, unofficially of course, however, whenever, Sikkim demands are raised, it becomes a 'central' University.

    The Sikkim govt is also being opportunistic here, as such demands are being made when the One great man does not get along with a not so great trying to be great, ambitious man.

    My contention is this, on the issue of Sikkimese, there can be accomodation, not reservation per se (might contravene rules of Central Univ) but something like encouraging people from Sikkim, Sikkimese students to apply and considering them through other mechanisms rather than reservation, similar to the Affirmative Action policies.

    My own hunch, MPL or JPT or the latter generations, the institution will work and provide some service to the region. But 'big' 'model' is all big talk, that stares at you in every press release, pamphlet, speeches.

    SU is not a model Univ. Nor is it doing terrific. SU is a normal University, let it be normal, SU is doing decently. For a University to be judged, it will take atleast 2 to 3 decades. JNU is 43 years old.

    MPL talking of great results is like the fast food of university. Either his sense of education is warped, which I think is.

    These individuals will not matter, all of them in drama, will not but what will be remembered a decade or so down the line, was the culture, they created in a new institution. We can then conclusively hang them or condemn them.

    However, the sadness is, that a great opportunity for an open, democratic, all inclusive, de centralised culture with formidable local roots is lost. (I hope i am jumping the gun when I say this, I hope time proves me wrong).

    1. As with all issues raised at a particular time, this too opens a can and lets the floodgates open for various versions and issues to come up. Good that it has come to light that it is indeed a GLU as against SU, and mind u there were talks of taking it there!!! whatever, the only good is that MPL has been exposed for his Darj bias that too for "cheena jana" from there, where as he always claimed to be working for the Hill people which I guess got limited to GL only.


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