
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Common Platform demands judicial probe into Yap Tshering’s arrest

GANGTOK, 22 May: Common Platform for Joint Action against Hydel Power Projects has submitted a memorandum demanding a judicial probe into the arrest of Yap Tsheringla Bhutia of Bhaluthang in West Sikkim to the Additional Chief Secretary, R Ongmu, who is also the Principal Secretary of Home Department, today. A copy of the memorandum was also submitted to the Governor’s office today.
Mr Bhutia was arrested after an FIR was filed by the local Panchayat accusing Mr Bhutia of causing nuisance in the Gram Sabha of Lower Amlok ward in West Sikkim on 28 April. At present, Mr Bhutia is out on bail and the case is still under the investigation. He was booked under the section 353 of IPC [Assault or criminal force to deter public servant from discharge of his duty].
Addressing a press conference today, All Sikkim Educated Self Employed and Unemployed Association president, Nawin Kiran alleged that instead of discussing the issues placed by Mr Bhutia at the Gram Sabha, he was arrested on “false charges”.
He commented that lawlessness is creeping into Sikkim as persons and organizations critical of the government are being targeted by the administration.
Mr Kiran informed that the memorandum comprising of full details of what transpired at the Gram Sabha signed by all persons present at the Sabha on the said date has been submitted to the Additional Chief Secretary. He further informed that the Additional CS has assured to look into their demand.
SIBLAC convener, Tseten Tashi alleged that at one hand the State government has been demanding for the peace bonus and on the other hand it arrests an educated youth for speaking out at a Gram Sabha. He stressed that the arrest of Mr Bhutia is a violation of the fundamental rights and the right to free speech.
PR Kharka of Save Sikkim stated that Mr Bhutia was manhandled and arrested for speaking at the Gram Sabha and added that Save Sikkim members were not safe from the very enforcers of law themselves.
A monk, Sangay Chophel, who was also present during the Gram Sabha, mentioned that Mr Bhutia was speaking in the interest of the public in general and not for his own interests but it was sad that he was arrested by the police.

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