
Monday, May 21, 2012

Agitation purely a students’ movement, maintains SUS

GANGTOK, 20 May: Students’ Union of Sikkim [SUS] on behalf of all students has urged the different political and non-political organizations not to add a different color to their movement. They maintained that demands and protest against the Sikkim University and the style of functioning of its vice chancellor were purely a students’ movement for the future of the coming generation.
Addressing a press conference today, SUS president, Jiwan Subba, stated that it was unfortunate that some organizations were trying to paint this student’s movement in a different light instead of aiding the movement. He further condemned the labeling of the student protest as ‘Ugrawad’ [extremism] by a local daily and also clarified that the allegation that the students did not allow ambulances to pass through during the blockade was totally false and condemnable.
“We totally condemn being labeled as ‘extremists’ and will take strict legal action against it. We plan to register a complaint with the Press Council of India on this matter,” Mr Subba said.
Further denying allegations of support from the ruling party to their movement, the student group stated that earlier these political parties were not interested in understanding their problems but are now trying to give political color to their movement.
On the Vice Chancellor Prof Mahendra P Lama’s reference to the protesting students as “educated illiterate”, Mr Subba demanded that the VC either retract his statement or apologize to the students immediately. “How has fighting for our rights made us illiterate or ignorant?” he questioned.
Mentioning that in this session more than 3,000 students from different colleges in the State will become graduates, he pointed out that most of these students do not have the option of pursuing further education in the State since the SU has not included the core subjects into the bouquet of PG courses being offered by it.
He stressed that this was not a minor issue but connected with the future of more than 3,000 students. If their demands are not taken seriously then a stronger movement will be launched involving school students as well, he further stated.
As the next step of the movement, the SUS submitted a memorandum to the Governor’s office detailing their 8-point charter of demands on Saturday.
SUS has also expressed its regrets to tourists, drivers and the general public for the inconvenience caused during their highway blockade on 18 May. At the same time, they also expressed gratitude on behalf of the students for their support to the student’s movement.

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