
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Tobacco Control Cell inspects shops MG Marg, returns with haul of banned Gutka and Paan Masala

GANGTOK, 26 April: A team of State Tobacco Control Cell and Non Communicable Diseases Division of Health Department began an inspection drive in-and-around Gangtok which began from MG Marg today. While the inspection was essentially to check whether the no-smoking rule were being adequately followed and advertised or not, it took the shape of a raid when huge amounts of banned Gutka and Paan Masala packets were recovered from shops around town.
The team started with the discovery of Gutka and Paan Masala packets from a paan shop at MG Marg, which was seized. The team also seized ash trays from some hotels and restaurants and also checked public toilets.
The team members mentioned that some hotels had separate smoking zones but they were not as per the provisions. Except imposition of normal fine in some places, rest of the places was let off with a warning.
It is learnt that the inspection will continue till 30 April covering provisional shops, paan shops, hotels and restaurants in-and-around the capital.
The team is being led by Deputy Director, C Khewa, Assistant Director, T Targain, Sanitation Inspector, R Bhutia and other staff of the department accompanied by Sikkim Police personnel.
It is informed that the team will also check No Smoking signage as per the specimen, ash trays in hotels and restaurants, cigarettes not having statutory warning displays, gutka and pan masala and etc.

1 comment:

  1. good jobs boss, we want you do you job in sincerly and make sikkim as 100% tobacoo free state.


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