
Thursday, April 12, 2012

SPDC joint venture with APPL, not ATPIL

Reference to your article dated 09.04.2012, we would like to point out the discrepancies of the following facts; That 49% stake in SPDCL [Sikkim Power Development Corporation Limited] was disinvested to M/s APPL [Athena Project Private Limited] not ATPIL, as reported in the news item.
Further that APPL through its special purpose vehicle [Teesta Urja Limited] is developing 1200 MW Teesta – III HEP and as on date no agreement has been cancelled with the aforesaid mentioned company.
In view of the above kindly issue a corrigendum for the news published in your newspaper as on 09.04.12, in order to avoid misguiding the readers and legal problems and in future you are requested not to publish the news which is not based on actual facts.
Joint Managing Director, K Thupten
The error is regretted - Editor

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