
Thursday, April 19, 2012


We, the students of Sikkim University, would like to publish the article below which is an important issue among the students of Sikkim University and perhaps also to the other students studying at college level.
The ongoing controversy of Sikkim University has generated several opinions and debates among the masses. Yet here is another such story which perhaps creates ambiguity among the student like us regarding the Sikkim University. In the present case, Mahendra Prasad Gurung, a student of Mass Communication Department, 4th Semester, along with three other students of Sikkim University are being denied their basic fundamental rights.
Mahendra Prasad Gurung had written a Letter to the Editor published in one of the local dailies [NOW!] headlined “We have lost very good teachers at Sikkim University” expressing his opinion regarding the faculty recruitment process. To the notice, the personal opinion was published in the local newspapers which brought about a widespread concern regarding the said matter.
However, the university which was expected to have a proper discussion on the matter with the student and encourage students about the subject of interest, displayed a completely different attitude towards the activities of the students.
The Vice Chancellor through the SU authorities accused the students who had written the letter of “harming the image of the university”. In addition to this, he has been threatened with expulsion for his actions. The said students were directed to bring their parents to the university, failing which they were threatened that their academic careers would be ruinded by expelling them from university itself.
This action of SU is clearly restricting them from exercising our basic right provided by ‘Article 19 (a)’. Hence such reprehensible action against students is not a commendable job for sure. We leave for the readers to decide as to what these students in turmoil should do now.
We are hopeful that the article would be published in your paper. We keenly look forward for the article in the upcoming edition of the newspaper.
Ugen Bhutia, Student of Sikkim University, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, IV Semester


  1. Brave Ugen. Very Brave. I salute you. As also Mahendra Prasad Gurung for writing that first letter, which I read and which got me interested in this issue.

    I wish your faculty had half the innocence and even a little bit of the courage you have shown in standing by your rights and your friend, knowing he is right.

    Stay like this Ugen. This is what determines, the men from the boys.

    Convictions are the key.
    Fairplay the markers.

    Dont be taken in my the 'reality' and it happens in all Universities argument.

    This is your University, make it a place, you would be proud of.

    Your Lama is a jester. Opportunist. We dont need men like him.

    We need men like you, Ugen.

  2. Needless to say that you are courageous and bold Ugen.....may you step forward into the world of journalism and be able to carry on what you have started. May God give you great strength to stand up against all odds and be able to face whatever consequences when the authorities read this piece...needless also to say that your very friends might just stop recognizing you and even talking to you.....this so happens in the realistic jaded world of Sikkim....where one cannot dare to say anything against authority!! Hope that the lay Sikkimese learns to put up a fight and speak up against what he/she thinks is wrong. for people in the Univ, I have heard and read that its a different story altogehter,, they dont utter a work in front of their boss but ..... anonymity, I believe makes them courageous and say and be brave!! But kudos to u Ugen for coming out!

  3. as for people in the Univ, I have heard and read that its a different story altogehter,, they dont utter a work in front of their boss but ..... anonymity, I believe makes them courageous and say and be brave!!
    First, Ugen. Great job.

    Second, this second commentator has a grouse against the Univ employees. I would ask him/her, Has she/he heard of something called Service Rules?

    And anonymity it is, why not, after all it is their life, their opinion, if I chose to do so anonymously, it is my prerogative. India is a free country is what the letter mentions.

    And if you ask for Honour, you will get Lama and JPT. Who would actually be honorable with these little worms? Would you?
    The language, the words used, kudos for 'coming out' is a reflection of the state of the person's thinking. Notice, the 'realistic jaded world', that is the person's own world, not ours. They might live in a 'realistic jaded world' in which they behave like chamchas, therefore the snigger at anonymity and therefore 'kudos to Ugen for "coming out".

    Language, the choice of words, Ugen is important, it tells us a lot about the mind set of the person and their world view.

    The attack on the 'people of the Univ' is a statement of support for the boss.

    The kindergarden boss who runs SU with his faithful registrar, who of course has no ability to be a registrar anywhere else except in Lama's SU.

    And the dare of not being anon, is for the employees, who not only work with petty ruffians (masquerading as Professors) from Singmari, but who have shown no ethical or moral considerations of holding a public office and not only misusing it but destroying the trust of not only, us, Sikkimese but the entire stakeholders. Go meet the faculty members and they will give you an idea, a more clarified one of the behind the registrar's room, how students are threatened. I wish i was a student.

    If the Univ employees should utter something, may the powerful and judgemental, second commentator should advise the big man on how he should behave that, Univ employees do not need to do any of this, nor the students and they can do their work.

    And the boss as everyone knows is very democratic. Write an email to him. Advise him how, his students and faculty are busy, anonymously or in the open, wasting precious time and energy, cause the Boss is a sick, perverted, power hungry maniac.

    Yes, I write perverted too, if you just chose to sniff around, you will find instances of perversion.

    So dear Second Anon, the litany of abuses are many, some are in the public domain, some have been brushed under the thick rug, Sikkimese, of course, that lines the offices.

    Your interest in the Univ employees is purely prurient for either you do not know or if you do, you are on side of the boss, playing a jackel's game on a public forum, perhaps, repaying your dues with fidelity.

    1. Dear Indignant and Irritated responder,
      Do read the Edit 'Infantalising Youth with our Arrogance", it gives a succient coverage of whats happening at SU and how the student is being disciplined now!!! My point that friends will start distancing themselves has been clearly reflected in that piece and I stand vindicated by my lines that 'realistic jaded world' that we live in,....reality is reality how ever much we may wish it is not most situations and esp in small places a dissenter will not find supporters who come out and that the person will have to stand alone and fight it out alone. It was a cautionary note born out of experience! and it was nothing against u the responder!!! and i still sign off as so allows me the space to say what i want....otherwise I might just get ragged badly for speaking the truth, which usually pinches and pricks!!!!

  4. Third commentator ...that's a lot of pent of anger u show here!! and what's with the word "kudos", me a lay person just thot it meant congratulations.....if one reads too much into innocent words surely the reaction will be of course like the above. Aaa now comes the service rules??? what about it???? when a man is mouthing nonsense, and just simply to say ...may be its not like that, may be the Sikkimese are not dullards as perceived by you....just simply to correct the man's errored perception...where and how does the service rules come into it??? and yes I guess the ultimate weapon is of course character assassination....what else can one resort to!!!!and u seem to have forgotten the old a work place...the boss is always right as in the hospitality industry, the guest is always right!!! and I believe the carpets are synthetic ....are't they??? and people have weird ways of paying back the dues as seen in SU!!!


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