
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Power Minister tours still cut-off Bey-Pentong in Dzongu

MANGAN, 18 April: During his two-day tour of the isolated areas of Upper Dzongu especially Bey and Pentong villages under Sakyong-Pentong GPU, the area MLA, Power Minister Sonam Gyatso Lepcha, expressed dissatisfaction over the slow progress of road restoration works by the PWD. The villages of Bey and Pentong remain cut-off even after seven months since the September earthquake.
This shows the slackness and negligence on the part of the PWD department, the Minister said.
Several villages of Sakyong-Pentong GPU have been cut off denying access to even basic facilities ever since the earthquake brought along a wave of destruction to this area. The restoration of roads is still underway at Lingzya where there are several slides which need to be cleared and new road formations cut out. The road between Lingzya and Bey which is barely 4kms was severely damaged in last year’s earthquake.
On being asked about the course of action that will follow his visit, the Minister said that he will submit the overall report to the Chief Minister and take other necessary steps.
Also part of the entourage till Bey village were SDM Mangan, PW Lepcha, Zilla member, Sakyong-Pentong, Toknam Lepcha, Panchayat Secretary, Nima Lepcha, representatives of Confederation of Indian Industry headed by Laxmi Limbu Kaushal and Khurshid Dar, Head CII. The entourage walked on foot from 12th Mile till Pentong village which took two days to cover.
The Minister also took stock of the status of under construction projects of the Chief Minister’s Rural Housing Mission in the area and urged every beneficiary to carry out the work focusing on quality and quantity as well. He also met senior citizens of the village in order to learn about their problems. The Minister also enquired whether relief money had been handed over to the affected families.
A short function was held at Gram Prasashan Kendra, Pentong where he held a meeting with local panchayat and the general public. The Zilla member, Toknam Lepcha placed a demand petition of the GPU on behalf of the people regarding up gradation of the ropeway and restoration of road till Bey at the earliest.
While addressing the villagers here, the Minister said that the panchayat being the representative of the village should play an important role in the development of the village and for the proper utilisation of the programmes and policies of the government. He further added that CRHM houses constructed in the area should be earthquake resistant.
As the Bey village is located amidst ample greenery, the Minister urged the villagers to opt for eco-tourism and home stays which can be a permanent source of income in the area. He also directed the concerned panchayat and the health staff to organize some health awareness programme in the village.
While highlighting the issue of panchayat election, the Minister said that there would be 50% reservation for women in the upcoming panchayat election and also said that people should not disturb the peaceful environment of the village on the issue of panchayat election.
The Minister also visited the Ringpi Bridge between 12th Mile and Pentong which was in a dilapidated condition and announced that the reconstruction of the bridge has already been sanctioned. He also announced that four houses damaged by the earthquake at Pentong village will be covered under the Prime Minister’s relief fund.

1 comment:

  1. Thank God some body in power is speaking up against the lax department....but will the boss take kindly to it. Mr Gyatso careful hai!!!


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