
Friday, April 20, 2012

Out-of-bounds Yumthang hurts tourism stakeholders of the area

GANGTOK, 19 April:  Yumthang in North Sikkim which is one of the most sought-after destinations for tourists visiting Sikkim has remained closed since January this year. Bad road conditions worsened by heavy snowfall has made it impossible for vehicles to get to Yumthang while the Tourism Department has remained silent on the issue, said vice president, Lachung Hotel and Restaurant Association, Tshering Lachungpa addressing a press conference here in the capital today voicing the concerns of many tourism stakeholders of the area. Fifteen members of the Association along with Mr Lachungpa were present at the press conference today.
Although the tourist season has started, the flow of tourists to Yumthang is zero which is not good for tourism in the area as most visitors want to see Yumthang, said Mr Lachungpa. When the people of Lachung approached GREF regarding the issue, they were given various excuses and unsatisfactory reasons, he alleged.
The people of Lachung and Lachen are mostly dependent on tourism as their source of income and many have taken loans to open restaurants, hotels, shops and bought vehicles to ply as taxis, he mentioned. Further adding that there are a total of 77 lodges and hotels in North District, Mr Lachungpa stated that in the absence of tourists all these businesses will suffer.
The Tourism department should address these issues as it is responsible for the tourism industry in the state said Mr Lachungpa and added that Department officials should visit North Sikkim to know the ground reality. Members of the association have met with the Tourism Minister, Bhim Dhungel  who has assured that he will make an inspection of the area very soon, he informed.
Similarly, Karma Lachungpa informed that they have approached GREF many times regarding clearing the road for vehicles but were only given assurances. Even though Yumthang has remained closed since January tourists have not been informed about this by the Tourism Department, he further alleged.


  1. The naivety of these hoteliers in north Sikkim astounds me. They cannot be so innocent that they fail to see the obvious collusion between the greedy GREF and the compliant government in the decline of tourists in the district. The GREF has been given a free hand to delay the road improvement work as long as possible and milk as much money out of it, all to ensure that the flow of tourists is diverted to south Sikkim.
    The hoteliers in the north have had their glory days in the past, the government feels it is time to allow their brethren in south Sikkim to enjoy the fruits of tourism boom in the State. Although, the south may not be endowed with natural beauty, it has been given the right cosmetic lift with places which are quasi religious and quasi amusement.
    The government, however, fails to see the long terms dangers of this risky enterprise. The sustenance of tourism industry cannot be ensured or perpetuated through grand construction of concrete structures. Tourists, who come to a hilly state like ours, come to see the mountains, lakes and valleys; it is foolish to even believe that they will be captivated by cement and bricks.

  2. Finally some one speaks up saying that all is not honky dory on the tourism front!! Tall claims by the press ads and press conferences look like TAAS was trying to butter up the powers to be, to be in the good books. Isn't it the prime duty of the Travel Agents association to look into the infrastructure and bring some change in it.....just banging on the wall of social networking sites will not supply the in flow of tourists, will it??? and now a days i find ...even the lil bit of effort on these sites are WAKE UP!!!!

  3. Don't blame gref alone.your government wants south sikkim to a hit with tourists and north has seen happy days...... before ...sometimes you hate people of the plains stating that they damaged your land and cultures and now you want them naive.....we are madisheys


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