
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Sikkim Liberation Party condemns AVP statement

GANGTOK, 28 Feb: Sikkim Liberation Party has condemned “the unconstitutional and offensive statements made time and again” by different organizations including Bangla Bhasa Bachao Samiti and Adivasi Vikash Parishad (AVP) in a meeting held today, informs a press release issued by its convenor, Duk Nath Nepal.
The condemnation comes in the light of the statement as directed by AVP in the name of disapproving GTA through its letter to the high power committee, the release informs.
The meeting adopted the following resolutions: Those speaking out against the Nepalese community should know and understand that the entire Himalayan belt right from Burma (Myanmar) in the East to Sutlej in the West belonged to this community. Due to political frontiers and compulsion only, they are bound and governed under different political arrangements, but are culturally, linguistically and community-wise one at heart; The fate of a community is not defined and determined by the geography, but it is them who define the destiny of a geography/land. If the AVP and Bangla Bhasa Bachao Committee thinks that the Nepalese residing in Indian soil are foreigners, than they have every right to define and determine their destiny and identity. Let us have a debate with the Govt. of India for this purpose we invite you all in this challenge.
The leaders of AVP and Bangla Bhasa Bachao Committee should know that people of Sikkim had decided to merge an independent nation in to the Indian mainstream, which beholds that it is the people who decide the fate of land; The Nepalese community in itself is a complete arrangement and it does not require others assistance to defend its pride; Further it also must be understood that if some leaders are misguided, it must not be concluded that the entire geo-politics of the community has got directionless.
“The parties which claim to champion the cause of Indian Nepalese instead have misled and made directionless the politics of Indian Nepalese community and turned it to an issue of amassing wealth”, the release states.

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